Chapter 1419

The two finally landed on the outskirts of Zhang'e Mountain. Most of the monsters here were around [-]th level in the Golden Core Stage, slightly higher than Duanmuyi, but within the range she could deal with.

Di Kongxuan didn't make another move this time, and helped Duanmuyi attract two monsters, and she ran between the two monsters in embarrassment.

When Duanmuyi made a move and finally killed the two monsters, he collapsed and fell to the ground.

She was bruised all over, but fortunately, she didn't hurt the roots.

She looked at the sky in the Mountain Sea Spiritual Realm, exhaled a foul breath, and ruthlessly stabbed the Seven Treasure Blade to the ground.

That vengeful man must have deliberately attracted two monsters to kill her.

Di Kongxuan paced forward, looked down at her from above, and kicked her leg with incomparable dignity: "If you don't get up and absorb it, the demon pill will be shattered."

Duanmuyi didn't have time to talk nonsense with her, so he gritted his teeth and sat up cross-legged. The nearly dried-up spiritual power rotated with the golden core in Dantian, and came out through the body along the meridians, wrapping the two demon cores.

The power of the demon pill was slowly absorbed by her along with her spiritual power, and she was finally delighted to find that her spiritual power, which had always been like a stone sinking in the sea, began to surge!
The power of the two demon pills was absorbed, and Duanmuyi's dry dantian was filled, which was slightly higher than before.She opened her eyes, and there seemed to be a flash of light in her eyes, extremely sharp.

Di Kongxuan hugged his chest and leaned against the mountain wall beside him: "Recovered?"

Duanmu stood up: "Well, we—"

"Then continue." He stepped aside, and behind him, two more monsters had rushed over.

Duanmu said: "..."

After two, there were two more. After five times in a row, when Duanmuyi was able to kill the two monsters with ease, she realized that she no longer had the phenomenon of collapse.

As usual, she absorbed the demon pills of the two monsters, licked her lips, and looked at Di Kongxuan: "Come again."

"Why don't you try three of them?" Di Kongxuan bent his lips and smiled charmingly.

Duanmuyi flatly refused: "I think this is the end of today."

"Are you scared?" Di Kongxuan said with a smile.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to consolidate my cultivation for a while." Duanmuyi said.

Di Kongxuan raised his eyebrows, but he didn't insist anymore.

It was a joke to say that she would try three of them.

Di Kongxuan knew that she seemed to be able to kill two monsters with ease, but in fact her spirit had reached its limit, so how could he not understand the truth that too much was too much.

"I know a place, rest for one night, continue tomorrow."

The passage of time in the Mountain Sea Spiritual Realm was half as slow as that outside. Di Kongxuan and Duan Muyi had stayed inside for ten days, but only five days had passed outside.

But five days was enough time for news to be transmitted from the Yuandong Empire back to the Duanmu family.

"It's the Mountain and Sea Spirit Realm, right?" the Great Elder twisted his beard and said, "It will disappear suddenly, it must have entered the enchantment.

Where does the enchantment come from within the Yuandong Empire? It must be the channel of the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm. "

Duanmuhong narrowed his eyes slightly, waved the messenger back, and immediately said: "Grand Elder, this is a good opportunity.

If the two of them could be kept in the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm, it would save a lot of effort. "

The first elder nodded slowly, and looked at the second elder next to him: "Second, let's go this way."

The second elder got up and said: "It's not too late, let's leave now, I don't know how long they will stay in the mountain and sea spiritual domain.

The Mountain Sea Spiritual Domain is so big, and it takes a lot of effort to know where it will be teleported. "

(End of this chapter)

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