Chapter 1420

"Second Grandpa, I know where they are!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao suddenly ran in, she had stayed in the Duanmu family for so long.

Duanmu Shenzhou didn't take her with her when she went out this time, which made her very unhappy.

Now that there is such a good opportunity, she can't miss it.

Ever since Duanmu Xiaoxiao knew that Liu'er was Duanmu Yi, the hatred in her heart has not diminished but increased.

At the beginning, she wanted Duanmuyi to die. Who knew that Duanmuyi was so lucky that she survived when he was thrown into the Dan River.

But this time, she must let Duanmuyi die in the Shanhai Lingyu!

Duanmu Xiaoxiao handed over a piece of paper in his hand: "Sihua Pavilion sent a message that they are in Zhang'e Mountain."

Zhang'e Mountain?
"Zhang'e Mountain is not small."

"It's better than looking for it without a clue in the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm." Duanmuhong said, "Inform the Black League, Di Kongxuan will have to rely on them to restrain him.

As for Duanmuyi—”

"Duanmuyi is a traitor to the family. She refused to come back when my brother went to pick her up. It's just too heartless." Duanmu Xiaoxiao said, "The daughter my aunt taught really has the same temperament as my aunt."

As soon as Duanmuhong heard it, he knew that his daughter was going to die.

But he had other considerations.

"Duanmu wants to bring it back alive, especially not to fall into the hands of the Black League."

In the battle of Fenglan Empire, Duanmuyi's talent can be described as thrilling.

Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he knew from the description of the Great Elder that such a result must be due to having dual bloodlines.

Possessing the dual bloodlines of the Spirit Race and the Monster Race, one can imagine how outstanding this girl will be once she grows up.

Duanmuhong knows better that she must not be allowed to grow up, and he must control her in his own hands while she is still in the golden core stage.

Moreover, according to the Great Elder, Duanmuyi's soul power is extremely powerful, which made Duanmuhong have another frightening guess.

The purest blood.

Only those who have the purest blood will have extremely powerful soul power.

For such a person, getting a drop of her blood essence can help others break through the barrier of cultivation.

He has been stuck in the late stage of Jindan for ten years, and he has never been able to make a breakthrough. Now Duanmuyi is a living temptation, even if she is his sister's daughter or his niece, he will not be merciful.

Catch her, lock her up, and use her.

This is Duanmuhong's plan.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao refused to obey: "Father, why don't you just kill her and keep her, she is such a villain who holds vengeance, she has many nights and dreams."

"Xiao Xiao, she is very useful." Duanmuhong said, "How long has she been away from the Duanmu family?

a year?In a year's time, from a trash without spiritual roots to a strong person in the early stage of Jindan, this is definitely not an ordinary practice.

She is pregnant with a baby, father will help you get it, and then help you break through the congenital Dzogchen, won't you? "

Duanmu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up: "Really?!"

"Of course, can dad lie to you?" Duanmuhong patted her on the shoulder, "Xiao Xiao, you are still in the innate stage, you cannot enter the mountain and sea spiritual realm.

You go to the Yuandong Empire to look for Shen Zhou, just in case they escape, you will intercept and kill them outside. "

Duanmu Xiaoxiao nodded vigorously: "Daddy, don't worry!"

In the Spiritual Realm of Mountains and Seas, on a cliff in Zhang'e Mountain, there is a figure flying around.

(End of this chapter)

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