Chapter 1421

That figure was as nimble as a breeze, and the five shadows that were rushing towards her were all swept away.

But the silver-red spiritual power turned into a long whip at this moment, swept across his side like a whirlwind, and knocked down the five shadows to the ground.

At the same time, the poisonous ivy spread wildly, turning into a cage as thick as an adult's arm, and captured all five monsters alive.

Duanmuyi fell to the ground lightly, and after adjusting his breath for a while, he stood up with a ruddy complexion, looked at the five monsters in front of him, and heaved a long sigh of relief in his heart.

For more than ten days, she has kept killing monsters, absorbing the power of monster pills, and repeating the cycle. Up to now, she has been able to easily capture five monsters alive at the same time without hurting their fur.

Her golden core has also vaguely touched the threshold of breakthrough, and there is only one opportunity left.

If others know this, they will die of jealousy.

It would take five or ten years for others to advance once, but she could break through in a month or two by absorbing the power of the demon pill.

But when the opportunity for this breakthrough will come, it is beyond her control.

If it's true that she won't have access to this opportunity for ten years, it's not impossible for her to be trapped in the middle stage of the Golden Core for ten years.

Di Kongxuan's voice came from beside him: "Aren't you absorbing these five demon pills?"

Duanmuyi came back to his senses, raised his hand and put away the poisonous ivy.

The monsters prostrated themselves on the ground, feeling the unique breath of Duanmuyi's dual bloodlines, and they changed from the fierce and vicious before, and became well-behaved and docile.

She said: "I have accumulated enough spiritual power, and the rest is useless by absorbing the power of the demon pill, and it will be wasted instead."

The five monsters narrowly escaped death and ran away with their tails between their legs.

Di Kongxuan walked over, looked down at her, then raised his hand, and wiped lightly on her cheek.

"Where did the ants come from?"

Duanmuyi sneered, "boring."

Di Kongxuan withdrew his fingers, followed by a smile, a magnificent smile, but also a cold smile: "Really?
I also think it's boring to take you back and forth, why don't you stay in Shanhai Lingyu, I'll go back first. "

"You—" Duanmuyi held his breath and said, "Please trouble me, Young Master Di, to give me another ride."

Di Kongxuan put his arms around her waist, leaned close to her, and said with a light smile, "That's how you behave."

He soared into the air with Duanmuyi, found a direction and flew over.

Duanmuyi was blinded by the wind, after a while, suddenly some moisture wrapped in the wind hit her face.

She opened her eyes and found that the two of them had already reached Daze.

"Aren't you going back?" Duanmuyi asked suspiciously.

"The snake elephant bone in your body was broken last time, take another one back this time." Di Kongxuan said.

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that he would keep thinking about this matter all the time.

Her heart was full of contradictions and helplessness, and she wanted to give up on this man every time, but he always had a way to make her reluctant.

"Not every Ba snake will produce elephant bones. When will we find out." Duanmuyi said.

Di Kongxuan smiled, his eyes casually swept across the big lake below, and said, "Use your soul power to search, most of the Ba snakes with elephant bones are lurking in the depths of the big lake, unlike the general Ba snake breath. different."

Duanmuyi closed his eyes as he said, and the soul power spread out from between his brows, covering half of Daze bit by bit.

Di Kongxuan looked at her, his eyes gradually softened.

After a while, Duanmuyi opened his eyes and looked towards the southeast: "There seems to be one over there, but..."

(End of this chapter)

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