Chapter 1423

The man who appeared was dressed in black and a black robe, his messy hair was simply tied with a piece of cloth, his face was full of flesh and there were three scars, and his whole body was full of powerful muscles.

This person Di Kongxuan also recognizes, it can be said that he is an opponent who has fought frequently for 200 years.

Heimeng wanted to kill him, ordinary people naturally couldn't do it, Zuo Hufa was already at the late Yuanying stage, so he could fight him for a few rounds.

The left protector held the hammer, the muscles on his face trembled, and then his hands tightened, spiritual power was poured into the hammer, followed by eighteen consecutive hammers that were airtight.

The hammer and hammer generate the wind, and the hammer and hammer carry the ferocious spiritual power of the late Nascent Soul.

Zuo Hufa's own muscle strength is also extremely strong, the two phases are superimposed, no matter how high Di Kongxuan's cultivation is, there is no way to restore this barrier in an instant.

He didn't choose to fix it either.

The red shadow flew back, and the barrier that lost his support was instantly shattered, but he had already landed in front of Duan Muyi, and another barrier was built.

Guardian Zuo frowned, and his voice was like thunder: "Di Kongxuan, what's your skill in hiding, come out and fight me for three hundred rounds!"

"With you?" Di Kongxuan sneered, "Are you worthy?"

"I lost to you ten years ago, but today, not necessarily!" Zuo Hufa swung his hammer vigorously.

Di Kongxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, realizing that his cultivation had improved again.

If the Nascent Soul is more diligent in the later stage, it will become a god.

However, he could also see that the left protector hadn't really stepped into the realm of transforming gods, and even compared with the half-step transforming god elder of the Duanmu family, there was still some gap.

But even that can be tricky.

Due to the poison in his body and the constraints of the rules of this space, he can only display [-]% of his strength, so it is no problem to deal with Zuo Guardian.

But with so many people in the Black League still watching, Duanmuyi hadn't finished absorbing the Snake Elephant Bone, so he couldn't be distracted from fighting the enemy.

But at this moment, more than a dozen winds sounded from behind, Di Kongxuan turned his head to look, and saw a dozen people in the robes of the Duanmu family standing in mid-air.

The leader is the Great Elder.

Di Kongxuan's face turned ugly.

Sure enough, the Black League colluded with the Duanmu family.

"Young Master, hand over Duanmuyi, and the old man will leave immediately, and I will never make things difficult for you." The grand elder's powerful voice sounded from mid-air.

Everyone in the Black League opposite frowned.

Red Snake said in a low voice: "This old guy is also playing with that girl."

Qing Yan sneered and said: "Does the Duanmu family really dare to oppose our black alliance?
The most powerful person in their family is only the great elder who is half-step to transform into a god. Our leader has already reached the stage of transforming into a god, and we are only short of that catastrophe. "

"That's right, if Protector Zuo exerts all his strength, then the great elder of the Duanmu family will be blasted into scum." Chi Snake smiled.

The two were whispering in mid-air, but Di Kongxuan had already sneered: "The Duanmu family is getting more and more prosperous. When Musen is still there in 200 years, it's your turn to play tricks on the tiger."

When Duanmusen was alive, he alone had the right to speak in the Duanmu family. Although the Great Elder was still the Great Elder at that time, he was not as prosperous as he is now.

Hearing these words at this time, the Great Elder's face suddenly became gloomy, and he clenched his fists tightly. The dark yellow spiritual energy spread and covered the surface of his fists, and the earth-type spiritual energy seemed to absorb the power of the earth, crushing Dikongxuan's feet. sink.

(End of this chapter)

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