Chapter 1424

Dikongxuan raised his eyes, and a red-gold light flashed in his eyes. Immediately, he raised his palm, and the red spiritual power gradually deepened, transforming into purple-gold.

The entire mountain and sea spiritual realm seemed to tremble for a moment, and purple-gold ripples appeared around Dikongxuan, like a blazing flame, causing cracks to appear in the surrounding space.

You can vaguely smell the power of chaos in the space crack.

Zuo Hufa suddenly raised his eyes, his face was shocked: "Hua Shen...he, how could he—"

Qing Yan and Chi Snake couldn't believe their ears when they heard the words.


Guardian Zuo meant that Di Kongxuan's cultivation had already reached the realm of transforming gods?
Even the leader of the black alliance is still in the late stage of Yuanying, so he dare not try the Heavenly Tribulation. When did Di Kongxuan reach the stage of transforming gods? !

Red Snake said: "Impossible, how can the powerhouses in the transformation stage stay in the vast continent? Shouldn't they all ascend to another dimension?"

Guardian Zuo shook his head: "It's not wrong, look at the color of his spiritual power, purple-gold, damn it, if it wasn't for purple-gold, I would swallow this hammer!"

"Then he—" Qing Yan felt his throat constrict.

Originally, I thought that Di Kongxuan was the most powerful and only at the level of the leader of the alliance, but I didn't expect that he had already broken the shackles and reached the stage of transforming gods!

Guardian Zuo frowned, and was about to say retreat first, the anger of a strong man in the transformation stage was not something they could bear.

But the next moment, he suddenly stopped what he was about to say.

Because the fluctuations in the space became more and more intense, the figure below that had been shrouded in purple and gold suddenly trembled slightly.

On the opposite side, the elder of the Duanmu family has already shouted: "Don't be afraid, even if he has reached the stage of transformation, everyone knows how fragile the spatial structure of the mountain and sea spiritual realm is.

If he dared to use the strength of the transformation stage, he would be the first to be swept into the turbulent flow of space and wiped out! "

"Guardian Zuo, what shall we do?" Red Snake asked.

Guardian Zuo clenched his fists and said, "Wait a minute, let that great elder test the depth first.

If Dikongxuan is really lost, remember, as the great elder fights with Dikongxuan, we have only one goal today, and that girl. "

Di Kongxuan can be killed at any time, but if he can bring Duanmuyi back, it will definitely be a greater contribution than killing Dikongxuan.

With Duanmuyi, the leader will have a talisman to survive the catastrophe safely.

At that time, the Black League will also have a strong man in the stage of transforming into a god, so it will not be huddled in a corner of the vast continent.

It has to be said that Guardian Zuo can sit in this position not only because of his brute strength, but also because of his sharp thinking that is different from ordinary people.

Red Snake and Qing Yan responded immediately, and distributed orders, so that everyone in the Black League should always pay attention to the circle below.

However, the fluctuation of space suddenly stopped.

The space turbulence that people "expect" did not appear, and the purple-golden flames around Di Kongxuan's body slowly gathered, but his powerful aura has not yet subsided, and people have no doubt that he can split mountains and seas with just one palm.

What caught everyone's eyes was the hand held by Di Kongxuan's cuff.

That hand was slender and white, its skin was like fat, but its joints were distinct and extremely powerful.

The person who had been guarded by Dikong Xuan stood up slowly.

Duanmuyi raised his eyes and looked at the Duanmu family, his voice was as cold as ice: "A group of people who deceive the world and steal their names are in vain the leader of the spirit clan."

(End of this chapter)

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