Chapter 1425

"Di Kongxuan, leave these scumbags to me, and you will deal with the Black League wholeheartedly."

Dikongxuan's eyes turned and fell on her condensed side face, and the lips slowly lifted.

"it is good."

His purple-gold spiritual power gradually faded, turning into crimson red, and the golden light in his eyes also dissipated.

He has a strange poison in his body, the higher his cultivation level, the deeper the poison will penetrate into the bone marrow. If Jiang Yi hadn't planted a seal on him to limit his spiritual power, when he really entered the stage of transforming into a god, it would be his death.

Now every time the seal is broken, it is one step closer to death.

It's just that Duanmuyi didn't know, she just subconsciously didn't want him to take risks.

The Great Elder looked at the girl floating up into the sky and the silver-red spiritual power in her hand, and squinted his eyes: "Duanmuyi, you betrayed the family and refused to go back with Shen Zhou. Do it again, will you go back with the old man?!"

Duanmuyi crossed his hands in front of his chest, his eyes were cold, and he smiled brightly: "I will answer you one last thing, old man, you have lived to such an age, since God doesn't accept you, then I will accept it!"

Duanmuyi quickly formed a seal with his hands, and an invisible cyclone spread between his eyebrows, and the monsters near Daze let out a roar almost at the same time.

At this time, her aura also began to rise steadily, her skin turned bloody, her pupils turned dark green, her long hair reached the ground, curling out strange lines.

The spiritual power turned into a dark yellow soft armor, covering her body.

Compared to breaking the seal of the two bloodlines by mistake the first time, this time, she is somewhat familiar with it.

And the last time outside the cave by the stream, her strength was only at the peak of the early Nascent Soul, but now, her strength faintly stayed at the late Nascent Soul!
Feeling the surging spiritual power in his body, Duanmuyi slowly clenched his fists.

At this moment, she seemed to feel the joy of walking on the top of darkness in her previous life.

Absolute strength!
It was the first time for the second elder to see such a situation, and he frowned and asked, "Great elder, does this mean she has activated the power of dual bloodlines?"

"That's right, double bloodlines are equivalent to a secret technique. The bloodlines of the Yaozu are too strong, and they have been suppressing her bloodlines of the Spirituality before. That's why we always thought she was a waste without spiritual roots." The elder said, " The power of Danhe just became the medicine to balance the power of the two bloodlines, making her lucky to become a genius."

The second elder's eyes were dark and cold, and he said with a strange smile: "What about geniuses, sooner or later they will be in our pocket."

The Great Elder laughed grimly: "Then let her see the difference between the strength obtained by relying on external forces and the real late Nascent Soul!"

The two flew up with the members of the Duanmu family, and the collision of spiritual power exploded in the blink of an eye.

But what is surprising is that it was not Duanmuyi who was sent flying after the collision of spiritual power, but the second elder.

Duanmuyi's cultivation base has been promoted to the late Yuanying stage, and it is true that it cannot be compared with the great elder of the half-step Huashen according to common sense.

But her innate skills allow her to have a steady stream of power.

There are spiritual objects all over the mountain and sea spiritual realm, which can be Duanmuyi's weapon anytime and anywhere. She can use all the nearby spiritual energy for her own use almost with a thought.

Under the long and the disappearing, the Second Elder and the others couldn't stop her blow.

However, the Great Elder's cultivation base was profound, he did not retreat but advanced, and he had already slapped Duanmuyi with his palm.

(End of this chapter)

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