Chapter 1431

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows, took a few steps forward, and scanned the bottom of the Ninth Pagoda.

The ground floor space is large, but it is also very empty. Except for a four-legged tripod in the middle, there are only sixteen large pillars supporting the structure.

"I heard from Zuo Hufa and Qing Yan that you are the medicine cauldron with dual bloodlines and extraordinary talent?"

The voice seemed to come from a different angle, and at the same time, an extremely dangerous aura made Duanmuyi's hair stand on end.

Duanmuyi clenched his fists slightly, his eyebrows darkened slightly: "You are wrong too, I am a human being, not a tripod."

"Hehe, if it's a tripod, you'll know if you try it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Duanmuyi suddenly realized that his hands and feet were bound by black threads at some point.With a gust of wind, she was suspended and landed on top of the four-legged tripod in the middle.

The voice began to laugh, extremely wild and crazy.

"Let me try and see if your essence and blood can help me break through the last hurdle!"

At this moment, Duanmuyi suddenly understood - the owner of this voice must be the mysterious leader of the Black League.

That's right, besides the leader of the Black League, who is worthy of so many people's feelings for her?

The black threads binding her limbs tightened suddenly, and Duanmuyi suddenly felt an extremely cold breath coming from her limbs, penetrating through layers of meridians, breaking through the barriers of Qi all over her body like acupuncture, reaching where her heart is.

A person has ten drops of essence and blood, all of which are stored in the heart. If the ten drops are exhausted, it will be the time when the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry.

Now the leader of the black alliance directly took a drop of her blood with a merciless blow.

A drop of blood was separated from the body, and Duanmuyi's face suddenly turned gray. She tilted her head and spat out a mouthful of blood, and instantly felt the burning pain in her internal organs.

A gust of wind blew, and Duanmuyi was thrown to the ground like a sack. The world was spinning in front of his eyes. He wanted to pass out, but he was awakened by the pain in his viscera.

She lay on the ground and raised her head. In her blurry eyes, she could only see a cloud of black mist falling from the top of the Ninth Pagoda, directly falling into the four-legged cauldron.

And that drop of her blood was just hanging above Hei Yun's head, emitting a reddish fluorescence.

"Sure enough, it really is pure power! Hahaha!" The leader's voice sounded again, and the black mist transformed into a hand, directly holding the blood essence in the palm of the hand.

The power of the blood essence was absorbed, and the black fog doubled as expected.

But that doesn't seem to be enough.

The leader's voice sounded: "It doesn't seem to be as miraculous as the legend says, is it because the dosage is not enough?" As he spoke, the black mist wrapped around Duanmuyi's limbs again.

Duanmuyi panted in pain, and said hoarsely, "Do you know why it doesn't work?"

"Oh? What's the reason?"

"Because my body is incomplete." Duanmuyi paused for a moment, enduring the burning pain in the viscera, and said, "My internal organs were destroyed by the power of the Dan River, and the viscera lacked energy and blood, so naturally there was no way to nourish the essence and blood , the essence and blood will not be able to produce the desired effect.”

The leader's voice was silent for a moment, and then rang again: "That's right, your viscera are really unsightly.

The power of Danhe, that is really difficult to deal with. "

"Oh, it seems that you also understand." Duanmuyi sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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