Chapter 1432

The black mist rolled over and turned Duanmuyi 360 degrees in the air, swinging her back and forth as if using her as a toy.

And the leader's casual voice sounded again: "Not only do I know that the power of the Danhe River is not easy to crack, I also know that to heal your internal injuries, you need lavender grass, xuncao, streamside bone, and sand tang. Wood and grass lychee."

Duanmuyi's head was dizzy and swollen, and he still felt teased like this, and he felt a burst of anger in his heart.

"Heimeng has nothing else but a lot of medicinal materials. Let Guardian Right go and check to see if these medicinal materials are still there." The voice continued.

Duanmuyi didn't even have the strength to complain.

Heal her, and then use her as medicine, right?

She was transferred in all kinds of meat and vegetables, and in the end she didn't even know how she was thrown back into the transparent air bag.

It's just that the hot spring water has a very good curative effect. She just lay down for a while with the air bag in between, and she already feels refreshed.

On the way, she tried it again with the Seven Treasures Blade, and found that the Seven Treasures Blade, known as the sharp weapon of the magic weapon, could not cut the tough air bag.

In the next few days, she would be taken to the Ninth World Pagoda to stay with the leader of the black alliance who never saw the dragon but for an hour.

Probably because the leader knew that her viscera had not healed, and the effect of blood essence was greatly reduced, so he didn't take blood essence from her body.But even so, Duanmuyi was tortured every day until he could only hang on his breath.

The same is true today.

However, after torturing Duanmuyi today, the lord did not throw her out immediately, but asked, "Aren't you surprised, why did I treat you like this?"

Duanmuyi lay on the ground and smiled casually: "There's no need to know, it's just the law of the jungle."

Black smoke filled the bottom floor of the Ninth Tower, and after a while, it condensed into a tall figure.

The black robe fluttered without wind, rolled up and fell down, revealing a pair of black gold soap boots.

Duanmuyi couldn't lift her head, she couldn't see the leader's face, but she could see these feet walking towards her.

She heard the leader's voice above her head: "Chi Snake, the elder of the Black League, died because of you, and the left guardian was seriously injured. If we don't punish you well, it will appear that our Black League has no confidence."

"Do you gain confidence by punishing a woman?" Duanmu sighed feebly, "Your gang is really... amazing."

The words of praise and derogation made the leader of the black alliance instantly angry.

He raised his foot and stepped on Duanmuyi's back, and said with a sneer, "I don't know how to be soft here, if it wasn't for your usefulness, I would have taken your alchemy."

Duanmuyi's face turned pale from being stepped on by him, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

She chuckled and said, "The lord is still a pharmacist?"

The leader of the Black League didn't answer, he kicked her on the shoulder casually, and kicked her out of the Ninth Tower.

Duanmuyi hit the ground and was dragged down.

Vaguely, she heard the voice of that shadow: "Leader, another medicine tester died in the alchemy room. There are not enough manpower. Do we need to recruit again?"

From the Ninth Tower came the indifferent reply from the leader of the Black League: "Take a few more.

Also, throw this woman into the hot spring for a good wash, she will smell bad, so don't dirty my place. "

Duanmuyi didn't even have the strength to complain.

The person escorting her really threw her into the hot spring, ran for half an hour, threw her a piece of clothing, and locked her in the airbag.

(End of this chapter)

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