Chapter 1433

After Duanmuyi was kept in the airbag for four hours, he felt that all his injuries had recovered.

It was just a matter of viscera, because it was too late to wait for Dikongxuan to perform the acupuncture for her, and there was no suitable medicine. It was all protected by the second piece of Snake Elephant bone absorbed earlier, and there were faint signs of an attack.

She leaned against the transparent airbag and slowly adjusted her breath.

The black alliance didn't know what method it used. She could feel the rich spiritual power contained in the golden core in her body, and it could also resonate with the spiritual things outside, but she just couldn't use the spiritual power.

Just as she was thinking, five men suddenly walked past the hot spring.

All five of them were dressed in black tulle, barely covering their bodies, and they could still show two slender and powerful legs while walking.

And they all had excited smiles on their faces, as if they were going to a party.

Her eyes fell on the last person, whose appearance was ordinary, even a little stupid, but that figure was very much like the person in her heart.

Duanmuyi shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly.

That arrogant man, relying on his own ability and strength, looks down on everyone in the world, how could he become like this?

But if it was him, what would he think of to save himself?

Duanmuyi watched the five men go away, and entered the state of cultivation.

Although her spiritual power cannot be exerted in the territory of the Black League, it does not prevent her from continuing to practice. Perhaps it is the only place where she can enjoy herself while suffering.

The moment she closed her eyes, among the five people who were about to turn around in front of her, someone turned her head and glanced over the transparent airbag seemingly inadvertently.

He frowned slightly, and then turned back calmly, showing a happy expression again.

Yes, it is a great honor for the people here to be selected by the leader of the Black League as a drug tester.

It is a kind of fanaticism that even if it knows that the end is death, it will be willing to move forward.

And he has to play such a role.

In the blink of an eye, another half month passed, and Duanmuyi was tortured to death by the leader of the black alliance every day, but he also found that his spiritual power accumulation was steadily increasing in this day-to-day torture.

She even felt that as long as she was given an opportunity, it would not be a problem to break through to the late stage of Golden Core.

The wariness of the leader of the black alliance towards her seemed to have dissipated a lot.

Today, she was still taken to the Ninth Tower by the shadow. To her surprise, there was a man in black standing in front of the Ninth Tower.The man was wearing a wide cloak, his body was surrounded by black mist, and his face could not be seen clearly.

But just by standing with his hands behind his back, Duanmuyi could feel a sense of oppression from his back.

Full of evil power.

"Lord Leader!" Surprisingly, when everyone saw him, they all knelt down and touched the ground with their foreheads, and their voices were still a little excited.

Duanmu Yi raised his eyebrows slightly - this leader is not simple.

It is understandable to admire and awe.

But now it seems that he has become the belief of everyone in the Black League?
Seeing him is like seeing a true god descending. What kind of great grace is this that makes them react like this?

"Bold, you didn't kneel when you saw the lord!" Behind him, the shadow's voice sounded.

"Guardian Right, Miss Duanmu is a distinguished guest of the leader of the alliance, so she doesn't need to kneel." Before Duanmuyi could refute, the voice of the leader of the black alliance had already sounded.

Duanmuyi sneered and remained silent.

It turned out that the shadow was the right protector of the Black League.

(End of this chapter)

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