Chapter 1434

It looks like a servile dog, or the rough left guardian looks more pleasing to the eye.

The right protector knelt on the ground and said in a low voice: "This subordinate has no eyes, please punish the leader."

"I don't have time to punish you. Turn around and cut off your own arm. Now prepare a sedan chair for the leader and go to Medicine Valley." The leader of the black alliance said casually.

"Yes!" The right protector sounded very happy, and ran down.

A moment later, a group of masked women in black veils appeared carrying an exquisite sedan chair.

Looking at the sedan chair, Duanmu fell into a speechless stage.

It turned out to be a sedan chair carved out of a whole piece of huge yellow jadeite.

Not to mention the doubled weight of such a sedan chair, the cost is sky-high.You know, such a big yellow jadeite is rare, and there is no market for it.

Two maids in black gauze brought the white jade basin, and the leader of the Black Alliance washed his hands in the basin, and immediately took a piece of Tencel cotton to wipe his hands.Immediately afterwards, two black gauze maids stepped forward, carrying a small sandalwood stool beside the sedan chair.The leader stepped on a stool and got into the sedan chair, and then came four maids in black gauze. Two of them were carrying fruit plates, one was carrying a teapot, and the other was in charge of making tea along the road.

Duanmuyi has become numb.

After doing all this, the leader of the black alliance seemed to have just remembered the existence of Duanmuyi.

He glanced back at Duanmuyi and said, "You, follow up."

Duanmuyi didn't learn anything else this year, but learned to compromise temporarily under the pressure of Dikongxuan.If it was in the past, she wouldn't talk to him about anything.But at this moment, she chose to know the current affairs.

Seeing her following obediently, the leader was in a good mood.

"Let's go." He waved his hand.

Duanmuyi didn't ask him where he was going, why did he have to take him with him, but just watched his sedan chair set off, and followed him.

After walking for more than a quarter of an hour, a vast and boundless black forest appeared in front of my eyes.These strangely shaped black trees are probably the hardest ironwood in the Cangyang Continent.

It is said that the Yuandong Empire relied on these organs made of iron and wood to repel the Black Alliance and create the most powerful empire today.

But Duanmuyi didn't know where it was.

These days, she only goes back and forth between the hot spring and the Ninth Tower, and the scenery along the way changes every day, with no rules to follow. She has not found the correct passage so far.

She looked up at the leader of the Black League, only to see that he lazily stretched out his hand from the sedan chair, took a sip from the teacup dignifiedly, then threw it back, and said disgustedly: "It's too bland."

Duanmuyi withdrew his gaze, and suddenly felt a tingling pain in his viscera.

Recently, due to the ruthless torture by the leader of the black alliance, her viscera suffered frequent injuries. Although she was nourished by that magical hot spring, it was only a temporary solution, not the root cause.

If only Di Kongxuan was here...

Duanmuyi thought so more than once.

Even though she knew that she was in his heart and was always regarded as Xin Ruqing's substitute, she still thought a little hopelessly that it would be great if Di Kongxuan was here.


Thinking of this, Duanmuyi couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

The leader of the black alliance in front turned his head, and a pair of sharp eyes pierced him under the cloak.

But in an instant, he laughed and said: "The ones behind, have followed all the way, are you tired?"

Duanmu said seriously: "Tired."

"Your physique is not good, we will have a long life in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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