Chapter 1435

The leader of the black alliance smiled strangely, and the black mist turned into a blurred smiling face, which made people feel horrified.

Walking into the black forest, Duanmuyi raised his head and narrowed his eyes slightly.

She vaguely felt that there seemed to be a very familiar atmosphere at the end of the forest.

Her soul power has been increasing recently, perhaps because of the hot spring, which is much higher than the increase in spiritual power.

But she hasn't learned the attacking skills of soul power yet, let alone figure out the strength of the black alliance, so she doesn't dare to show all her trump cards for a while.

However, with her outstanding soul power, she has keenly captured that aura.

Is it a familiar person?

The atmosphere in the black forest was oppressive, and the black-gauze maid was silent. Duan Muyi looked up, and saw that there was darkness in front of him, and there seemed to be countless ghosts screaming in the air.

She wanted to mobilize the spiritual energy to protect the body, but the spiritual energy was still imprisoned by a force like it was in the hot spring and the Ninth Pagoda.

At this time, with a movement of her thoughts, a gentle soul power spread out from between her eyebrows, enveloping her whole body.

And in the black mist, there was a scalp-numbing chichi sound.

The small flying insects invisible to the naked eye were blocked by her soul power and died one after another.

The leader of the black alliance in front turned his head and took a look, and seemed to snort, but did not stop.

After walking for about half an hour, when Duanmuyi's soul power was about to be exhausted, the blackness in front of his eyes finally receded, and a ray of light appeared in front of him.

In the front are two jade pillars that support the sky, their brilliance is flowing, the cloud patterns are exquisite, and they are an upright scene.

Then there are more than a dozen palaces of Feige Liudan, which rise layer by layer according to the mountain situation.

Except for the Jialan tribe, Duanmuyi has never seen a more luxurious building than this one.

The sedan chair in front had already stopped, and the leader of the Black League stepped down on the embroidered stool, turned his head to look over, and said with a smile in his voice, "Miss Duanmu, is she looking stupid?"

Duanmu thought to himself, I am also a person who has traveled all over the world, even if I have never seen such a splendid building in my previous life, I have seen the Jialan tribe in this life anyway, why am I so stupid.

She stepped forward and asked in a flat tone, "Is this also the Black League?"

"Naturally, this is the core of the Black Alliance." The leader of the Black Alliance said, "The Black Territory you passed just now is a forbidden area. You can come here safely. I have to say, I still underestimated you."

Duanmu realized those terrifying little flying insects just now, his heart sank.

"Those black domain Gu insects have no special use, they can eat away at people's spiritual power. After walking through this black domain, they are basically useless." The leader of the black alliance laughed ghostly, "Did you know that the black alliance exists? For so many years, no one has been able to truly destroy it because of this place."

"Black Domain?"

"No, Black League Academy." The leader of the Black League turned his head and pointed at this magnificent building. The black mist billowed all over his body, making his feet half a foot off the ground, and flew over there like this.

Black League Academy?

Duanmuyi was puzzled, but followed directly.

If there is anything you don't understand, just look at it and you will understand.

"Mother, what the hell is this!" As soon as she lifted her footsteps, a scream suddenly sounded in the black area behind her, and then a person rushed out from inside.

She stopped in disbelief and looked back.

(End of this chapter)

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