Chapter 1436

The person who fell fell right at her feet. He was wearing a prince's python robe with messy belts, his hair crown rolled to one side, and his long hair was scattered all over the ground.

The man raised his head, and his pupils, which were like colorful glass, suddenly shone brightly.

"Ms. Peony!" He Erchuan Gulu got up immediately, without caring about tidying up his messy clothes and hair, he just hugged Duanmuyi and walked around on the spot.

After hugging him, he let go, turned around and knelt down facing the Black Territory Forest.

Duanmuyi only heard him murmur: "Old ancestor, I am really sorry for colliding with your mausoleum.

But old ancestor, you really protected the younger generation, and now that you have made your wish, you have really sent Mrs. Peony to this king..."

Duanmu has a black thread on his head.

According to what he said, he dug his own family's ancestral grave?

"Who is it!" While speaking, Guardian You had led a group of black men to surround He Erchuan.

Duanmuyi hurried forward and pulled He Erchuan up: "What time is it, stop thanking your ancestors, why are you here?"

He Erchuan's mind was full of Mrs. Peony's hands, how soft they were, and he didn't hear what she said at all.

Fortunately, the leader of the Black League went back and forth, glanced at the hands they held, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Miss Duanmu, you—"

"Didn't you want my blood, I'll give it to you. He Erchuan is also a prince of a country, and even an innocent person. Let him go." Duanmuyi interrupted him.

The leader of the black alliance chuckled, and the black mist wrapped around him and approached the two of them.

He only heard his voice from under the black mist: "Are you feeling sorry for him?"

"Why bother to have so many disputes?" Duanmuyi asked back.

"Do you think the leader of the alliance would mind any disputes?" The leader of the black alliance sneered, "Sooner or later, the vast continent will belong to the black alliance. What is a small Hull Empire?"

Duanmu frowned.

If it really doesn't work, then you can only use strong means.

He Erchuan must go!

The Black League is such a weird and dangerous place, even people with Di Kongxuan's level of cultivation are afraid of the Black League, let alone He Erchuan, who is only an early Golden Core.

He Erchuan's cultivation base is indeed considered a talent in the human world.

But here, an ordinary guard of the Black League has such a cultivation base, he is simply sent to die.

Duanmu wanted to treat him as a friend, so naturally he didn't want to put him in trouble.

But He Erchuan didn't take it seriously.

He brushed the dust off his clothes, picked up the hair crown, tied his hair back up, and then looked dignified, and said to the leader of the Black League: "The Hull Empire is nothing compared to the Black League, but the 200 Years ago, didn't the Black League become the defeat of its subordinates?
With the power of the Five Kingdoms, is the Black Alliance not afraid at all? "

The leader of the Black League looked at him with great interest.

He Erchuan said again: "If you are not afraid, how can you leave a jade tablet with a space imprint on it for all countries, and say that as long as you crush the jade tablet, you can ask the Black League to fulfill a promise?"

"Have you got the jade card?" the leader of the Black League asked.

"Hmm...cough cough..." He Erchuan's face blushed suspiciously, "Yes, I got it.

Otherwise, why am I here? "

The head of the Black League's eyes fell on the black area behind him, thinking that this He Erchuan was really lucky.

The spatial imprint of the jade card is teleported randomly, except that the Black League Academy has an enchantment that cannot teleport, and it is possible to teleport people directly to the center of the Black Territory.

(End of this chapter)

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