Chapter 1437

In that case, the person who teleports there will only have a dead end.

Unexpectedly, this He Erchuan was teleported so close to here.

Is this God's will?
The leader of the Black League thought about it, and his voice sank slightly: "Then what promise do you want the leader to fulfill?"

"Go back quickly." Duanmuyi whispered.

He Erchuan immediately said: "Yes, send us back!"

Duanmu raised his forehead -- this guy must be pretending not to understand, she was captured by the Black League with all his efforts, and she was impossible to let go, she meant to let him go back by himself.

The leader of the Black League did not speak, but only sneered.

"No way..." He Erchuan said, "This king can't do it even if he thinks about it, how about it, then this king will reluctantly change it.

You just let me stay with her all the time, wherever she goes, I will follow her. "

The leader of the Black League's eyes flickered for a moment, feeling more and more interesting.

He turned around and said, "It's okay, since Prince Chuan has made such a request, then let's follow along."


There are more than a dozen alchemy rooms in the medicine hall of Heimeng College.

In the alchemy room in the middle, there is a huge medicine cauldron.

At this time, there was a pharmacist sitting cross-legged in front of the medicine cauldron, a black flame in his palm was being continuously sent into the medicine cauldron.

A strong smell from the medicine box came out vaguely.

At a certain moment, the medicine cauldron was lifted by a force, and five pills flew out, carrying a burst of heat, and fell into the five jade bottles beside it.

"Such a difficult prescription has been successfully refined twice. Master Ling is indeed a first-grade pharmacist who possesses sky fire!" Several students who were watching on the side gave out admiration.

But these five jade bottles were sent to the hands of five black-veiled men who were kneeling and waiting.

The students looked at these five people with disdain.

All five of them were dressed in black gauze, with bare clothes, in order to better observe the various symptoms on their bodies after taking the medicine, so as to prepare for immediate discovery and improvement.

They are the pharmacists with the highest annual death rate in the Black League Academy.

However, within the jurisdiction of the Black League, there are still many people who remember wanting to become a medicine attendant even after their blood was broken.Because only the medicine attendant can recruit people from outside, and the members of other black alliances are all selected from their own clan.

Most of the people who want to join the Black League are wanted by the five countries of the Cangyang Continent, or they are homeless people. Being able to join the Black League naturally means that they have an extra shelter where they can live comfortably.

It's just that such a person is the most humble.

The five turned a blind eye to the eyes of the students and quickly took the medicine.

Immediately, three people fell to the ground and died without even struggling.The other two twitched several times, and died together in the blink of an eye.

Master Ling frowned, and waved his hands regretfully.

Sure enough, once the medicine was increased, it would not be able to hold on.

Ten guards came up and dragged the five people away at once, when suddenly one person shouted: "This man is still breathing!"

Master Ling immediately got up and stepped forward, felt his pulse, and said happily: "Quick, go and tell the lord, someone has withstood the triple medicine!"

Every time the drug was tested, even if someone could survive the first and second drug properties, they all fell at the third level of drug properties.

Unexpectedly, this time, someone could stand it!
This means that he can have the fourth medicinal prescription!
(End of this chapter)

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