Chapter 1438

If you are not a pharmacist, you will not understand the importance of prescriptions.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a prescription is hard to find.

The only surviving person was sent to the greenhouse next door for observation, during which he was not allowed to be treated, and he had to survive all drug reactions by himself.

Even Master Ling didn't know what kind of torture this third medicinal property would be.

But the students were already a little frightened when they heard the low growls from the next door.

I don't know how long it took, the voice became weaker, and finally the silence was restored.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps coming from outside, and one person pushed open the door of the alchemy room, and said, "The lord has come to the medicine hall, and now the main hall is waiting, Master Ling, go quickly!"

"So fast?!" Master Ling was going to visit the medicine attendant, and when he heard the news, he said, "Someone clean up the medicine attendant and take him to the main hall."

He took a step ahead and rushed to the main hall, and sure enough, he saw the Right Protector at the entrance of the main hall.

The two greeted each other, and Master Ling walked into the main hall, looking at the person sitting in the first place, his eyes showed fiery admiration, and he almost knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"Meet the lord!"

"Master Ling, the leader of the alliance heard that someone in the alchemy room has withstood the triple medicinal properties?" The leader of the black alliance put down the jade beads he was playing with and said, "Where is the person?"

Master Ling hurriedly said: "This subordinate has already asked someone to carry him over."

The leader of the black alliance raised his head in a leisurely manner, and four guards walked in silently from outside the hall, and put down the bamboo frame in their hands. The person lying on it was emaciated, with a gray face, but there was still a glimmer of life.

The moment this person was carried in, Duanmu Yi only felt a severe tremor in his heart.

It was as if a knife had stabbed hard into the heart.

The blood flowed back, and the whole body was cold.

She looked at the person on the bamboo frame, but she couldn't see the face clearly, and she was a little thinner than the person in her mind, but she had a strange and very familiar feeling.

is it him?

Duanmu denied himself again in his heart.

What a proud person that is, how could... how could he be reduced to this point!
"Where are the other four?"

"They're all dead." Master Ling said, "The bodies of the four are all placed in the same place. Does the leader want to check?"

"No need, just die, let's see what they do." The leader of the black alliance waved his hand and said, "This person, take good care of him, and I will send someone to send the prescription of the fourth medicinal property later. And , have you found the five elixir mentioned last time?"

Master Ling said with shame: "My subordinates have searched the entire medicine hall storage, but only found a lavender."

He clapped his hands, and the medicine boy beside him brought a jade box, which contained the top-grade elixir, lavender.

The leader of the black alliance glanced at it and said, "Miss Duanmu, I will give this to you. Lavender is poisonous if taken alone, so be careful."

"Give it to me?" Duanmuyi didn't think that this elixir was so easy to come by, but after thinking about it, he knew that the leader of the black alliance would not do any loss-making business, so he asked: "What do you want me to do?"

"The purpose of giving you lavender is to obtain your blood essence in the future and help me greatly increase my skills. This is the same thing; however, I do want you to do something next. After the task is completed, there will be rewards. "

The leader of the Black League raised his hand and threw over a badge made of black gold.

(End of this chapter)

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