Chapter 1439

Duanmuyi reached out to take it, but saw a huge wolf's head engraved on it.

"This is the student badge of the Black League Academy. I want you to go to the Black Soul Mountain Range and get something for me." The leader of the Black League said.

Duanmuyi frowned, and resolutely refused: "It sounds dangerous, if I die, who will give you blood?"

The leader of the Black League smiled: "So I will give you a chance, you can choose the helper you want, and go with you."

"Really? Then I choose you." Duanmu's opinion cannot be rejected, and he naturally chooses the one that is most beneficial to him.

As for He Erchuan winking at the side, forget it.

He wanted to die, but he didn't dare to let him die here.

The leader of the Black League spread his hands in regret: "Although the leader is very happy that you chose me, I can't enter the Black Soul Mountain Range."

Duan Muyi lowered his eyes, thought for a while, and said: "That's fine, then I want this Master Ling and this person to accompany me."

"Just them?" The leader of the Black League was stunned for a moment.

He was not surprised to choose Master Ling, after all, Master Ling is a pharmacist, and pharmacists are welcome everywhere; but he chose the half-dead kid on the bamboo frame...

Duanmuyi then said: "Of course they are not the only ones. I also need two high-strength people to protect me. I have nothing but spiritual power and cannot use it. If we are in danger, who will protect us?"

"This person does not know how to refine medicine, nor does he have cultivation base, so bringing him is even more cumbersome." The leader of the black alliance said, "This leader still needs him—"

"It's because the lord needs it, so I have to bring it." Duanmuyi rubbed his chin and said, "I keep He Erchuan here as my hostage.

How to say, let me bring someone who has enough bargaining chips, otherwise I don't trust the Black League's behavior style. "

When she said this, the leader of the Black League immediately felt relieved.

Sure enough, it is this woman's character that she must retaliate.

The leader of the Black League glanced at Master Ling, and Master Ling said, "The third level of medicine is more difficult in the early stage. After two or three days, you should be able to walk."

"That's good, the person with advanced cultivation you want will come tomorrow.

Now, you and this Prince Chuan will live in this medicine hall. "The leader of the Black League finished speaking, turned and left.

"Wait, you haven't said that you want me to fetch something for you..." Before Duan Muyi finished speaking, he disappeared.

Master Ling chuckled, stepped forward and said, "I know the main things of the alliance.

Miss Duanmu, this way please, I will let Yaotong take you to rest. "

Duanmuyi resisted the urge to take a look at the man on the bamboo frame, turned around and left without delay.

Being at the Black League Academy, the core of the Black League, she knew that her every move would be monitored, and if there was any doubt, the leader of the Black League would not let it go.

Regardless of whether that person is Di Kongxuan or not, if she behaves inappropriately, she will bring that person's death.

Master Ling arranged a yard for the two of them. It was on the southwest side of the medicine hall, facing a hot spring waterfall, and the scenery was very good.

He Erchuan has a big heart, and with the mentality of being safe when he comes, he is already drinking tea and eating melon seeds in the yard.

Duan Muyi walked around, the courtyard was surrounded by high walls and densely covered with vines, it looked like a good place isolated from the world, but it was very eerie and weird.

However, this place of the Black League is full of weirdness, even in a place like the academy, people can't feel the slightest youthful student spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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