Chapter 1440

It is not surprising that a key place like the Hall of Medicine is a little strange.

"Mrs. Peony, you said that the king will tell our children in the future that the king and your mother and concubine made love in the black alliance. Do you think it is interesting?" He Erchuan asked.

Duanmuyi returned him a sneer, turned around, and closed the door.

Clean and neat, murderous.

He Erchuan stopped eating melon seeds, walked up to the door of the beauty's room, and shouted: "The moonlight is very bright tonight, won't the beauty have a drink with the king?"

"Drink you ghost." The beauty's answer came from inside.

Black League College has a very strict curfew, all students must go back to their dormitories after Youshi.

Whether you are practicing, sleeping, or drinking and singing, no matter what you do, you can't stay outside.

The lights in Duanmuyi's room were also turned off early.

But she didn't sleep.

Thinking of the familiar aura of the medicine attendant she saw during the day, Duanmuyi still felt that she had to confirm it with her own eyes before she could rest assured.

Before she came, she had already memorized the way to the Medicine Hall, and now she just prayed that the half way would not be like the outside of the Ninth Pagoda, where the scenery changes all the time.

Fortunately, the Black League Academy did not have such a strange scene. In addition to the strict curfew of the academy, there is no need for patrols.

Duanmuyi touched the medicine hall smoothly, and there was no one around.

She hid in the empty courtyard behind the main hall, closed her eyes, and her soul perception overflowed from between her brows, spreading out bit by bit.

Unexpectedly, a breeze suddenly blew past the back of his head, Duanmu couldn't dodge in time, his mouth was covered by someone.

Her soul power suddenly withdrew, and she was secretly startled - under her powerful search, this person was hiding behind her, and she didn't know anything about it, what a profound skill it must be!

Before she could do anything, a figure suddenly appeared in the yard ahead.

She held her breath, and a thought flashed in her mind: Is this person behind protecting her?
The figure that appeared was Master Ling, his sharp eyes swept across the yard, and he heard him say in a low voice: "What's going on, I clearly sensed a different soul power, who is searching the medicine hall? "

Master Ling walked over here.

Obviously, this is the only place where people can hide in the whole yard.

He appeared so fast, it was impossible for anyone to escape in such a short time.

Duanmuyi slowly clenched his fists.

She felt the person behind her move slightly, and the hand covering her mouth tightened.

"Ah——" Suddenly, in a pharmacy to the southwest of the courtyard, a man's painful roar sounded, tearing through the long night like a tortured beast.

Master Ling's footsteps suddenly stopped, and immediately turned around and ran towards there.

Duanmuyi wanted to stand up subconsciously, but the person behind him hugged her tightly with a pair of iron arms.

Leaning her back in the man's arms, she could feel his uneven ribs, as well as his warm and familiar breath.

Her whole body was stiff, and she put up all her defenses, but she relaxed in an instant.

The man behind him laughed softly.

"Stupid woman, Master Ling is a first-grade pharmacist with Skyfire. His soul power is definitely not weaker than yours. Once you release your soul power, he will notice it."

With a trembling voice, Duanmuyi asked in a low voice, "You know?"

"Otherwise, why would I be waiting for you here?"

Duanmuyi turned his head, and with the weak light in the academy, he could clearly see the face of the person behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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