Chapter 1441

It's him.

After getting rid of the daytime disguise, the sequelae of covering up his face for more than a month is that his complexion has become paler, with a sickly gloomy color, and even the color of his lips has faded a lot.

But what remained unchanged was the sharp look in his eyes and the curvature of his lips that seemed to be a smile that wasn't a smile.

Even in such a core place as the Black League Academy, he didn't see the slightest sign of fear.

Her eyelashes trembled slightly for a moment, then she suddenly raised her hand to hook Di Kongxuan's neck, and leaned forward to kiss his cold lips.

do not care.

She didn't want to care about Xin Ruqing or any substitutes.

He is here now, which is the best proof.

It proved that she always had a place in his heart.

It turned out that for these days, she had endured the daily torture of the leader of the Black League, passed out in pain, and woke up in exhaustion. What she longed for the most was to see him.

Di Kongxuan was taken aback, naturally he would not let go of such a good opportunity, immediately grabbed her waist, turned around, and the two of them fell behind the low wall.

Duanmuyi lay on his body, kissing and kissing, the tears could not be stopped.

"Stupid woman..." Di Kongxuan sighed, and rubbed her hair, "Although I am very happy for your embrace, but now is not a good time."

"What's the matter with you? That medicine attendant today, is that you? Just now, Master Ling—" Duanmuyi had many questions, but they all disappeared in Dikongxuan's eyes.

Di Kongxuan's eyes told her clearly, don't worry.

No matter who he is, he will always be by her side to protect her.

"Don't ask so many questions, the less you know, the safer it will be to go to the Black Soul Mountain Range." Di Kongxuan gently stroked her back and tightened his arms.

Duanmuyi lay on his chest and heard his strong heartbeat.

She could feel the ribs on his chest, which showed that he had indeed lost weight.

But it seems that it is not as thin as the medicine waiter in the daytime, and there is still some flesh...

Well, it's still hot...

Why is it getting hotter and hotter?

"Hiss—" Dikongxuan's voice was hoarse, tinged with evil, "Yi'er, do you want me to kill you here?"

Duanmuyi hooked Dikongxuan's neck with his hands, and said with a smile on his face, "Okay..."


Facing Shang Duanmu's sly eyes, Di Kongxuan knew that she did it on purpose, knowing that the timing was wrong, she deliberately seduced him.

Duanmuyi looked at Dikongxuan's forbearance, and the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened, and he didn't forget to breathe into his ear.

The warm and sticky breath made Di Kongxuan's eyes deeper and more terrifying.

She was punishing him in disguise.

Duanmuyi looked at Dikongxuan's forbearance, with a somewhat smug expression.

That look seems to be saying that I like to see you hate me but can't kill me, Xiao Mian, eat me if you have the ability!
Di Kongxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, finally chose to slap her buttocks, and whispered something in her ear.

Don't forget to leave a threatening sentence at the end.

"Just wait for me, I will recover this account sooner or later."

After saying that, he licked and bit her earlobe lightly, turned around and disappeared into the night.

Duanmuyi clutched his hot ears and grinded his teeth, what a guy!

Dare to bite her ear!


The next day.

The person of the leader of the Black League really delivered it.

It was not the left protector or the right protector as Duanmu thought, but a young man and woman.

The man leaned against the wall, looking reluctant, with unkind expressions in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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