Chapter 1450

"But that's not your concern right now."

He grabbed Duanmuyi's arm and retreated into the bushes beside him.

Duanmuyi raised his head in a daze, and suddenly saw a flash of light passing by in the air.

The streamer was colorless, but when passing by, it would bring about some changes in the air, and Duanmu Yi could only see it with his sharp eyes.But what surprised her was that her soul power was unaware of the appearance of this streamer.

"This is the String Force." Di Kongxuan said, "Within the barrier built by the String Force, you will encounter a patrolling Scattering String Force from time to time, once triggered, it will touch the restriction of the entire Duan Mie Peak.

At that time, it will be beyond human power to contend. "

"Can't even you?" Duanmu asked.

Hearing this, Di Kongxuan suddenly laughed.

It had been a long time since his smile appeared, Duanmu Yi was a little dazed for a moment.

In fact, when the two of them get along, although he smiles a lot, most of the time it is a disdainful smile or a casual smile. If you really want to say a sincere and hearty smile, there are very few.

But now, looking at his smile, Duanmuyi felt a little familiar.

It seems that I have been looking forward to his smile for hundreds of years.

"Big Ice Cube, in the future, please smile more... I like to see you smile..."

For some reason, that woman's voice reappeared in my mind, the voice of that woman who inexplicably appeared in my mind in the Nanshan Plum Garden of the Fenglan Empire in the past.

Di Kongxuan touched the struggle in her eyes, and mistakenly thought that she was still struggling with whether he used her as a substitute, so he quickly changed the subject: "This string force is not very strong, I can barely avoid it, but you can't .So next, follow me."

Duanmuyi nodded, waved away the strange voice in his mind, and followed his pace.

I don't know how many circles I followed Di Kongxuan in the mountains, but when Di Kongxuan stopped, Duanmuyi was stunned.

Because within the range of her soul power perception, the figures of Huo Mengxi and Yinque appeared.

Moreover, it was in front of them.

Di Kongxuan actually led her around behind those two people!

"It's strange, I obviously followed them here, why is there no sign?" It was Yinque's voice.

Huo Mengxi sneered and said, "If you had blocked me just now, you wouldn't be so passive now!"

"It was you who wanted to kill her, not me." Yinque felt bewildered, "Why should I rush to do such a thing that is obviously going to be punished by the leader."

"Do you think the lord will let you go if you stand by and watch?" Huo Mengxi said, "If we kill her, going back is just a punishment. As long as we can bring the meteorite back, we will make up for it. If we can't kill her, wait Let her go back and sue the lord, and then, see if you can escape."

Yinque hurriedly laughed and said, "Senior Brother Huo, don't be angry, isn't it the end yet? Whether she can walk out of Duan Mie Peak depends on what you say, Senior Brother."

Huo Mengxi snorted coldly, but did not answer.

"Then what do we do now?" Silver Sparrow asked.

"Go to the west mountainside, she said that the meteorite is there, let's go sit and wait." Huo Mengxi said.

The two turned around and walked towards the west.

A moment later, a gray shadow flashed by, and You Yuan crouched at Dikongxuan's feet.

Dikongxuan patted it on the head approvingly, and put it into the spirit pet space.

(End of this chapter)

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