Chapter 1451

"When will You Yuan be able to speak?" Duanmu asked.

Di Kongxuan knew what she wanted to say, looked at her with a half-smile and said: "The ear fox is one of the top ten ancient beasts, and the you ape is certainly incomparable.

You Yuan's current cultivation base has also reached the bottleneck stage, and when it breaks through the [-]th Golden Core level in one fell swoop and enters the stage of transforming gods, it will be able to speak. "

Duanmuyi was extremely depressed.

Erhu is only at the fortieth level of the golden core stage now, and there is still a long time before the transformation stage.

"Let's go, it's time to surround them." Di Kongxuan said with a smile.

"The two of us, the two of them, where did they get surrounded?" Duanmuyi retorted.

Di Kongxuan pinched her face tenderly: "I can surround them all by myself."

Duanmu said: "..."

"Okay, it's important to do business." Duanmuyi grabbed Dikongxuan's arm and pointed in another direction, "Meteorite is not there at all, go this way."

Di Kongxuan raised his eyebrows, followed Duanmuyi, and said seriously: "It seems that you have learned a lot from me."

"Are you talking about this kind of tactic?" Duanmuyi asked.

Di Kongxuan smiled and said: "No, it's the cleverness of playing with the enemy in the palm of your hand."

Duanmuyi stopped, looked at him carefully, and replied in a very serious tone: "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought it was He Erchuan who was standing in front of me.

I think you also learned a lot from him, especially the narcissistic tone. "

Di Kongxuan didn't speak.

He didn't even deny it.

Because Di Kongxuan also knew in his heart that perhaps in the way of getting along with Duanmuyi, He Erchuan would be more able to make her happy.

Therefore, Di Kongxuan, who has always dismissed his opponents, chose to learn from his rival this time.

If it is said that he really imitated He Erchuan, it is obviously not possible, but he is indeed changing himself.

Don't make her feel depressed, don't make her feel annoyed, and get along in a more equal way.In front of her, he is no longer that lofty Di Kongxuan who looks down on the world, but a person who is willing to protect her.

Let go of everything to protect her.

Duanmuyi felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange, she seemed to feel something was different, but this was not the time to think about it, seeing that he didn't answer, she didn't continue talking.

The two avoided the search of the three string-scattering forces, and soon reached the place where the soul power sensed.

"Actually, when I sensed it for the first time, I didn't perceive where the meteorite was." Duanmuyi said, "But I could vaguely sense that the fluctuation of spiritual power here is different, so I deliberately chose a different direction to tell them."

Di Kongxuan nodded: "The meteorite jade that has experienced six tribulations and thunders will indeed have an impact on the surrounding spiritual power."

"It should be around here." Duanmuyi looked around, and it was no different from the other places, full of weeds and shrubs, and trees scattered around, forming a dense blackness.

It has been a while since I went up the mountain, and the sun is gradually sinking at this time, and the sky is dim.

Di Kongxuan said: "Look carefully, I will protect the law for you."

Duanmuyi nodded and sat down.

The soul power retracted from the surroundings, and immediately condensed into a more solid force, spreading along the side of the body bit by bit.

The search process was relatively boring, but fortunately the area was not very large. After half a stick of incense, Duanmuyi opened his eyes.

However, she looked a little strange.

(End of this chapter)

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