Chapter 1452

"What?" Di Kongxuan asked.

"That piece of meteorite seems to be inside the mountain." Duanmu pointed to the soil layer under his body.

The spiritual power feedback she felt was in the weed pile not far ahead, but that power was very weak.

How could a piece of meteorite that has gone through six tribulations and thunders have such weak power?
Duanmu didn't believe in evil, so he drilled his soul power into the mountain, and sure enough, he found the meteorite in the stone layer.

Just, how to get this?
After listening to her describe the general situation, Di Kongxuan stood up, looked around, and immediately said: "Let's go to the top of the mountain."

"The top of the mountain?" Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, but did not object, and followed him to get up.

Anyway, there is no other way now, if you can't get the meteor jade, it is impossible to give her the lavender plant, and Huo Mengxi and Yinque will add fuel and vinegar, which is not good for her.

Only by getting the meteorite jade in his hands can he gain some benefits for himself.

It is true that people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Duanmu cursed, and the two continued to climb the mountain.

The peak of Duan Mie is steeper, the two spent more time and finally climbed to the peak.

At this time, Huo Mengxi and Yinque were still looking for meteorites on the mountainside on the west side.

"What's that?" After climbing to the top, one can suddenly see a taller mountain in the north, covered with dark clouds and shimmering with golden light.

Di Kongxuan glanced at it, and said, "The precursor to the stage of transforming into a god."

"Master Ling said that it would take several days for Jielei to condense and fall. Is this enough for us to leave the Black League?" Duanmuyi asked worriedly, "If the aging god who is in charge succeeds, you..."

Di Kongxuan curved his lips into a smile, raised his eyebrows and said, "He'd better pray that he doesn't succeed."


"Those who have succeeded in transforming gods must break through space and go to another world." Di Kongxuan said, "I suppressed my cultivation and stayed here because of Jiang Yi's help. If you forcefully choose to stay, you will suffer backlash.

Therefore, if he is unsuccessful, relying on his half-step Nascent Soul late stage cultivation base, maybe he can still help the Black League; if he succeeds, he will either leave or die, and there is no other way out. "

Duanmuyi muttered: "Then he should succeed, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with one more opponent."

"That's not necessarily the case." Di Kongxuan looked at the mountain where the dark clouds gathered, and said, "The inside of the Black League is not an iron bucket."

"Huh?" Duanmuyi didn't understand the deep meaning of his words for a moment.

Di Kongxuan had already stopped the topic, took her hand and walked to the edge of the cliff.

The reason why Duanmi Peak is called Duanmi Peak is because the north of the mountain is a steep cliff, like a knife splitting the mountain, no grass can grow, and everything is dead.

"Do you believe me?" Di Kongxuan asked.

Duanmuyi looked down at the bottomless cliff, and smiled: "It's your idea, it's really exciting, even more exciting than when I climbed Arthur's Castle alone to steal calligraphy and paintings."

"Huh?" Di Kongxuan froze for a moment.

"It's nothing, let's dance, you or me first?" Duanmuyi asked back.

Di Kongxuan bent his lips, and wrapped his arms around her waist: "Together."

The two took a step at the same time and fell directly from the top of the cliff.

Duanmuyi jumped over many cliffs in his previous life, basically fleeing for his life after completing the mission, but it was never as thrilling as this time.

(End of this chapter)

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