Chapter 1453

What she didn't expect was that under the cliff, there were countless string-scattering forces.

Di Kongxuan said that once the force of the loose string is encountered, the restraint of the string force will be triggered, which cannot be resisted by humans. This is simply an upgraded version of the modern infrared scanner!

However, what surprised her even more was that during this high-speed fall, Di Kongxuan was able to skillfully control his figure to shuttle through the gaps that would only be created in an instant by the string-scattering force.

"It's just below, it's almost there." Duanmuyi's soul power suddenly fluctuated, and she said immediately.

Di Kongxuan immediately raised his palm and quickly slapped it on the mountain wall to slow down the speed of his fall.

Duanmu Yi glanced at it, and suddenly saw a string of scattered force flying towards this side.

"Be careful behind you!"

She just had time to remind her.

Di Kongxuan, however, seemed to have eyes behind him, and quickly fell downwards, then supported Duanmuyi's body with one hand, and quickly threw her upwards.

On the top is a hole made by Dikongxuan's palm, Duanmuyi clung to it with one hand, swayed his body, and finally did not fall.

But Di Kongxuan...

She turned her head and looked down, but there was no one in the darkness.

"Di Kongxuan!" She called out, but there was no response from the cliff, as if she had entered a mysterious space.

Duanmuyi frowned, and the soul power between the brows spread out and spread downward.

A familiar breath quickly approached her, and after a while, that figure had already appeared in front of her eyes.

Di Kongxuan climbed up directly relying on the spiritual power of his palms.

Seeing that she was hanging on to him, Di Kongxuan said with a smile: "I can't see that you still have this ability."

"You scared me to death." Duanmu said angrily.

"Come here." Di Kongxuan stretched out his hand towards her.

Duanmuyi reached out and was pulled into his arms.

"Meteorites fell from the sky, there must be traces, and I can't find the top of the mountain, so it must have been smashed in from here." Di Kongxuan stared at the cliff in front of him, and said, "Close your eyes, and I will take you in."

"No, I prefer excitement." Duanmuyi smiled.

Di Kongxuan raised his eyebrows, raised his leg suddenly, and kicked on the rock wall.The seemingly solid rock wall shattered under his feet like an eggshell, revealing a hole.

The two fell into the cave, Di Kongxuan supported the stone wall with one hand, stabilized his figure, and both of them rolled to the ground.

Duanmuyi was about to raise his head, but Dikongxuan pressed his hand on his chest.

"Are you scared just now?"

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid?" Duanmuyi chuckled, "I have encountered many similar things."

Di Kongxuan sat up, held her face in his hands, and said, "Stupid woman, you should say you are afraid at a time like this."

"Okay, I'm afraid." Duanmuyi smiled helplessly.

Di Kongxuan lowered his eyes, and kissed her lightly on the lips.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Duanmuyi had to admit that Dikongxuan at this time was really cute and heartwarming.She always felt that the Di Kongxuan she met in the Black League was different from the previous one.

"Why did you come?" Duanmu asked.

Di Kongxuan looked into her eyes and smiled: "Because you are here."

"Do I matter?"

"It's important." Di Kongxuan sighed, and pulled her into his arms, "It's so important that I don't even know if you will be willing to take you into my heart."

Duanmuyi's eyes became hot, his lips curved, and tears fell down his face.

(End of this chapter)

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