Chapter 1455

Every step Duanmuyi took seemed to be being punished. Dikongxuan saw that she was in so much pain that he couldn't stand it, so he simply carried her on his back, and he bent even lower.

It didn't take long before there was no road ahead.

There was a violent fluctuation in Duanmuyi's soul power.

"It's here." Duanmuyi said.

Di Kongxuan responded, "I saw it."

Duanmu turned his head back from his shoulder with difficulty, and saw a short stone pillar formed over time in a small cave space.

There is a groove at the top of the stone pillar, and a palm-sized stone lies inside.

The color of the stone is pitch black, with six lines on it, presenting a strange deep golden color, which looks like it is about to be sucked out of the soul at a glance.

At this moment, Duanmuyi actually felt that the pain in his body began to ease.

She struggled to jump down from Dikongxuan's arms, and walked towards the stone pillar.

Di Kongxuan frowned slightly, as if he had thought of something, he hurriedly followed.

"Is this the meteorite?" Duanmuyi stretched out his hand and lightly pressed it on the black stone.

"Wait—" Di Kongxuan was about to stop her, but saw that her hand had already landed on the meteorite, and she didn't feel any discomfort.

His eyes lit up suddenly, looking at Duanmuyi as if he saw a baby.

Duanmuyi played with the stone in his hand, flipped through it for a while, and asked in doubt: "Is this the meteorite that has gone through six tribulations and thunders? Why do I see nothing special?"

Di Kongxuan stepped forward, took the meteorite from her hand, weighed it twice in his hand, and said: "This is indeed a meteorite, but it is no longer a meteorite that has gone through six tribulations and thunders."

Duanmu listened to what he said, and asked, "Don't squeeze toothpaste like that, are you appetizing?"

"Squeeze toothpaste?" Di Kongxuan heard words he didn't understand.

"It means you are unhappy." Duanmuyi explained helplessly.

Di Kongxuan put the meteorite jade back into her hand, and said, "When you were hit by that mysterious thing just now, did you feel pain and numbness all over your body? Your limbs were stiff and you couldn't move?"

Duanmuyi nodded, that feeling was even worse than the pain she felt when she was framed by Duanmu Xiaoxiao and fell into the Dan River, so it was even more unforgettable.

"That's it, what hit you was the power of the thunder that remained on the meteorite!" Di Kongxuan showed a smile, stretched out his hand to press her shoulder, and said, "The power of the thunder contains various elements. Energy is more difficult to deal with than the power of Danhe, but for you, it is indeed another gain."

The tribulation thunder is the thunder from the heavens, born naturally, affected by the huge fluctuation of the spiritual power of the practitioner, and descended into the world.

This is a force that cannot be resisted by human beings, and it has an inherent unpredictable nature.

Ordinary people may be turned into ashes in an instant when they are attacked by the power of the thunder, but cultivators can also resist the thunder and condense their own cultivation, so that their strength will have a qualitative leap.

For Duanmuyi, it is even more meaningful.

Because Duanmuyi has the power of Danhe in her body, her viscera have serious problems because of the impact of Danhe's power.

The power of Danhe and the power of Jielei seem to be extremely domineering forces, but because of Duanmuyi's dual bloodlines, they have achieved an ingenious balance.

It can be said that the blood of the Duanmu family carries the power of Danhe, which is why her innate skills are so difficult to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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