Chapter 1456

But now, the power of robbery and thunder has been fused into her blood of the monster clan, and it is even more unknown what changes will happen in the future.

But no matter how it changes, what Di Kongxuan can conclude is that it will definitely become stronger!

Because it was a tribulation thunder.

It is a tribulation thunder that can help people pass the promotion level.

It was the tribulation thunder that Duanmuyi should have had the opportunity to come into contact with when he was in the Jindan stage and was promoted to the Nascent Soul stage.

And now, she in the mid-Golden Core stage has come into contact with it.

"However, how could the power of tribulation thunder remaining in the meteorite land on me?" Duanmu was puzzled.

Di Kongxuan has never encountered such a thing before, and he has no way to explain it, but after all, he is well-informed, and guessed: "Maybe it's because you used your soul power to find meteorites from the very beginning, and the power of tribulation thunder I am familiar with your soul power, so it will automatically enter your body."

Duanmu has a black thread on his head.

Fortunately, she is a cultivator, fortunately she has dual bloodlines, and fortunately she has been tortured by the power of Danhe before, so she can endure the impact of the power of tribulation thunder.

But what if it were an ordinary person?
Or anyone with low cultivation?

Didn't it turn into fly ash under its impact?
As if he had guessed what she was thinking, Di Kongxuan walked around the short pillar and said, "Without such powerful soul power as you, I'm afraid the power of tribulation thunder would not recognize you."

Duanmuyi stretched his arm, felt that the pain had completely disappeared, and he was relieved.

However, the power of tribulation thunder still exists in her body after all, just like the power of Danhe exists in her body, destroying her viscera wantonly.

The power of these thunderstorms...

"Then what should I do with it now?" Duanmu asked.

Di Kongxuan shook his head: "If my prediction is correct, as long as the Meteor Jade is in your hands, the power of Tribulation Thunder will not pose a threat to you."

"Ah?" Duanmuyi was stunned, "But this meteorite jade has to be handed over to—"

"It won't take too long to absorb the power of tribulation thunder, it's just some leftover power." Di Kongxuan said, "It's just right, isn't Huo Mengxi going to chase you down?

Let's use this opportunity to procrastinate for a while longer in Duan Mie Peak.I estimate that within three to five days, you will be able to turn the power of tribulation thunder into your own use. "

Duanmuyi nodded: "Okay, then I will listen to you."

After three to five days, after absorbing the power of the tribulation thunder, he took the meteor jade back to return to his life.

When the leader of the black alliance asked, he said that it was Huo Mengxi's tricks, and he could always be dragged behind.

"Where are we going now?"

Di Kongxuan pointed to the short stone pillar in front of him, held Duanmuyi's collar in one hand, and threw her onto the stone pillar.

The face plate of the stone pillar was just enough for a person to sit on, Duanmuyi shook his body and sat down steadily.

"It's right here, refining." Di Kongxuan said.

Meteorite has been here since it came into the world.

This place should be the place where the power of tribulation thunder is the least threatened, and it is also the place where the power of robbery thunder is most effective.

"then you--"

"Aren't Huo Mengxi and Yinque still looking for meteorites outside?" Di Kongxuan smiled and said, "I'll meet them."

Duanmuyi looked at his expression, as if trying to play tricks, and couldn't help laughing.

She is looking forward to it.

However, she couldn't see it.

After Dikongxuan waited for Duanmuyi to settle down, he put a few restraints on her side to prevent the insects and beasts in the mountain from disturbing her, and then quietly retreated out.

(End of this chapter)

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