Chapter 1459

"how come--"

"It's not that there are no Gu worms in Duan Mie Peak, but that these Gu worms can all be suppressed by string force.

But once it smells the smell of blood, the Gu worm will break free from the string force's suppression! Yinque gave him a hand, "Hurry up, get out of here!" "

Huo Mengxi turned his head and ran, Yinque took two steps, and suddenly remembered that there was a landing sound just now.

When Huo Mengxi left, he was carrying the medicine attendant on his back, and the medicine attendant had already fallen into a coma at that time. Huo Mengxi could block her sword just now, but the medicine attendant might not be able to block it!

"Wait!" she yelled, "Medical Attendant, the Medical Attendant is still here!"

"It's too late, don't you want to survive when the Gu worms fly up?!" Huo Mengxi shouted coldly, "He has Master Ling's Heavenly Fire blessing on him, and the Gu worms dare not get close. At worst, we will come to him after the Gu worms are gone." That's right!"

Yinque really made sense when she thought about it, gritted her teeth, and ran away with Huo Mengxi.

Not long after the two left, the medicine attendant who was lying on the ground and could not move suddenly opened his eyes.

He sat up, his originally numb face began to twist, his eyebrows were raised, the bridge of his nose was straight, the corners of his eyes were elongated, and a smile slowly appeared on his lips.

Immediately afterwards, his skeleton also began to expand and grow, and his thin body became plump.

It was Di Kongxuan.

Duanmuyi guessed correctly, the medicine attendant was him, and he was the medicine attendant, but they were not the same person.

This is an ancient strange art called "pseudo-puppet art".

The difference between puppet art and puppet art is that the puppet is your own body, but outsiders will never recognize it, and it can close the five senses and be completely controlled by the body's thoughts.

It's just that using the puppet technique requires a lot of mental and spiritual power, which is one of the reasons why Di Kongxuan was not sure about getting out of the black alliance.

However, it is more than enough to deal with Yinque and Huo Mengxi.

The Gu worms were approaching, Di Kongxuan took out a medicine and crushed it in the palm of his hand.

A ray of heavenly fire separated by Master Ling spread out from his palm, enveloping his body like armor.

The Gu worms were obviously afraid of the extremely hot sky fire, so they circled around one after another, and quickly chased Huo Mengxi away.

As the night passed, the sky gradually brightened, and the black mist in the forest faded away, leaving only strands floating.

Huo Mengxi and Yinque ran all night, extremely embarrassed, but those Gu worms followed behind because of the tarsal maggots.

"Why... didn't your blood dry up long ago..." Yinque asked panting.

Huo Mengxi looked down at his chest, turned around and saw the Gu worms flying up again, so he had no choice but to continue running, while running, he said: "If you didn't stab me with a sword, why would I be in such a mess!"

"I asked several times who was there, and you didn't say a word, so of course I wouldn't think it was you..." Yinque said coldly, "If you just make a sound, my sword will not Stab it down."

Huo Mengxi was angry, he didn't hear Yinque calling him at all, and he was still looking for a way out seriously, but he didn't know that a sword came from behind, if he didn't react quickly, that sword might have killed him.

"Wait... Do you feel that we have been to this place just now?" Yinque asked panting.

Huo Mengxi also stopped and frowned.

"This is similar to the situation I encountered last night. Although I couldn't see the surrounding environment clearly last night, I can still feel..."

(End of this chapter)

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