Chapter 1460

"But I can still feel that I'm always spinning around in place." Yinque gritted his teeth, "Could it be that the forest in Duan Mie Peak is weird?"

Di Kongxuan watched from a distance, revealing a wicked smile.

He threw an object in his hand into the grass.

Lin Zi is naturally not weird, but he has a jade formation that Jiang Xin once gave him in his hand, which can open a gossip formation within a radius of ten miles.

Walking around like headless chickens like the two of them, plus there are Gu worms chasing after them, it may take ten days and a half months to get out of this gossip formation.

It was enough for Duanmuyi to take the power of the tribulation thunder for his own use.

Di Kongxuan turned his head and looked towards the other side of the mountain. He could feel that familiar aura was slowly increasing and climbing steadily upward.

Three days later, the stone pillar under Duanmu Yi's seat had been shattered into dust because of the domineering power emanating from her body.

Her whole body was suspended on the lime powder, and the lightning force moved under her body like a small snake, sometimes swift and sometimes clever, and gradually became regular with her breathing.

At this time, her mind was completely immersed in her dantian.

Her dantian has been clearly divided into eight diagrams at this time, one side is the silver-red aura from the blood of the spirit race, and the other is the blood-colored aura from the blood of the monster race, all of which symbolize her strength in the Golden Core Stage.

At the bloodline of the spirit race, a golden pill was spinning around.

But at the Yaozu bloodline, the gossip eye is empty, but there is a small group of condensed lightning power, wandering like a pitch-black bead.

The power of tribulation thunder is not to help people increase their cultivation, but to make people's cultivation more concise.

Duanmuyi's current spiritual energy storage may be lower than before, but her spiritual power is twice as strong as before.

This is still just a little bit of the power of the tribulation thunder.

Duanmuyi let out a breath slowly, and there was a crackling sound like an electric shock, and then she opened her eyes suddenly, the light in them was bright, and there seemed to be a substantial electric light shooting out.

After a while, it returned to silence.

At this time, her eyes are more like a bright starry sky, bottomless but star-studded.

She jumped in the air and landed on the ground. She felt that she had endless strength all over her body, and she punched several times in succession.

"Damn, it's so powerful..." Duanmuyi muttered to himself, "If I go back with this skill, wouldn't the world of assassins let me dominate? Whoever can block my punch can shatter even bullets?" ?”

"After being blessed with the power of lightning, your physical and spiritual power will be greatly improved. Not only that, your speed will also have a qualitative leap." Di Kongxuan's voice came from outside the cave, and he walked slowly Came over, leaned against the wall and said with a smile, "It's faster than I thought, it really is a talent."

Duanmu was overjoyed: "I really found a treasure."

"However..." Di Kongxuan paced forward, changed the subject, rather gloating, "You should think of a way first, how to explain this meteorite that has no power to rob thunder with the leader of the black alliance."

Duanmuyi squeezed his fists, feeling the tremendous power all over his body, and sucked the piece of meteorite into his palm with a casual inhalation.

"Explanation? What explanation do you want?" She bent her lips and smiled gracefully, "The power of the tribulation thunder has been refined by me. No matter how powerful the leader of the black alliance is, he will not be able to see anything. As for..."

(End of this chapter)

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