Chapter 146
"It was her betrayal that caused you to have ambiguity towards all women, and this mental illness..."

"I'm talking about my friend!" Lu Sichen's face was dark and terrifying.

Huo Weiting immediately coughed twice, "Yes, I'm also talking about your friend, it's rare for your friend to meet such a person, maybe he can solve the knot."

"No need." Lu Sichen coldly dropped these three words and stood up, intending to leave. When he opened the door, he smelled the familiar fragrance of orchids.

Yi Xuelan was a little surprised, she never expected to meet Lu Sichen.

Yi Xuelan, as the name suggests, is as beautiful as Youlanhua, with white skin and noble temperament, and now she is the first sister of Huadan in the New World.

"Achen, why are you here?" Yi Xuelan's watery eyes flashed with surprise.

Huo Weiting didn't expect that these two people were really destined, Lu Sichen came here for the first time in many years, and they actually met.

Lu Sichen ignored Yi Xuelan and passed her directly, leaving her with a cold back.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Huo will come back another day." After Yi Xuelan finished speaking, she went directly to chase Lu Sichen.

Huo Weiting looked at the backs of the two leaving, and the corner of his mouth slightly twitched, this is a good show.

"Achen, wait for me, I have something to tell you!" Yi Xuelan couldn't run fast in her high heels, and watched Lu Sichen enter the Rolls, Yi Xuelan directly stopped the car regardless of her own life.

Lu Sichen didn't expect Yi Xuelan to be so reckless, so he immediately stepped on the brakes and said angrily to Yi Xuelan, "You're crazy!"

Lu Sichen's fingers were trembling slightly, which reminded him of the car accident a few years ago, which is still fresh in his memory.

"You're going to die, get out of here, and don't involve me!"

It was a cold and frightening voice, without a trace of warmth.

Yi Xuelan's face was a little pale from the fright, and her foot was twisted, so she could only limped and walked in front of Lu Sichen, "Achen, listen to me, I had no other choice back then, I..."

"I don't want to mention what happened back then, and Ms. Yi, I'm not familiar with you, don't call me so affectionate, lest people misunderstand!" Lu Sichen's cold words were thousands of miles away.

"Achen, I..." Yi Xuelan was about to say something when she received a call from Li Chuzhen, asking her to go over now, "Can Achen take me to Sister Li's house?"

"No!" Lu Sichen restarted the ignition, but Yixuelan...

But Yi Xuelan firmly grasped Lu Sichen's car window with both hands.

"let go!"

"Achen, don't..."

Lu Sichen directly pressed the up button, and the blood stained the car window immediately, but Yi Xuelan still did not let go.

Seeing that Yi Xuelan's hands were caught by the car window, Lu Sichen pressed the pause button.

Yi Xuelan's suspended heart slipped down, her voice was gentle enough to drip water: "Achen, my ankle is so twisted that you can take me to Sister Li's house?"

Hearing the blood tick twice, Lu Sichen remained expressionless, and said coldly, "Get in the car."

Yi Xuelan immediately got into the car happily, "Achen, I knew you were the best for me."

Yi Xuelan cast a sideways glance at Lu Sichen. Compared to before, he is more mature and attractive now. If it wasn't for the past... maybe she would really choose Lu Sichen.

She just looked at Lu Sichen silently and said nothing.

But Lu Sichen didn't look at her, wondering what was going on with Bai Jiujiu.

In fact, Bai Jiujiu is still ringing the bell at the door. Just when she was about to hesitate to give up, the door finally opened.

(End of this chapter)

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