kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 147 I am jealous

Chapter 147 I am jealous
Li Chuzhen glanced at Bai Jiujiu, then pushed down her glasses, "I didn't expect you to be quite persistent, come in."

Bai Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief, that's great, finally let her in, the closed door is really uncomfortable!
"Come on, what's the matter?" Li Chuzhen was sitting on the sofa, staring at Bai Jiujiu.

This inexplicably made Bai Jiujiu feel the pressure of being a teacher.

Bai Jiujiu felt a little nervous, and rubbed his hands twice, "I hope Sister Li can give me a chance to prove myself."

"Oh? What opportunity? Isn't the opportunity given to you?" Li Chuzhen's serious tone made Bai Jiujiu's heart skip a beat.

The other party's aura is too strong, and she is too nervous, causing her to be a little passive now, and the rhythm is completely up to the other party. If this continues, the conversation may be hopeless. No, she must get the initiative in the conversation!
"Sister Li, in fact, I think you are very clear about this competition. With my strength, it is a matter of minutes. There is no need to play this kind of tricks. It is simply superfluous." Bai Jiujiu calmed down, and his tone changed. firm and powerful.

Li Chuzhen was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to say that, she couldn't help laughing: "The tone is not small."

Bai Jiujiu flicked his bangs, blinked at Li Chuzhen, and said, "Sister Li, it has nothing to do with tone, it mainly depends on strength, I will never let you down, trust me!"

Li Chuzhen was slightly taken aback by the confident and dazzling light that exuded from Bai Jiujiu's body. She was obviously submissive just now, but she has completely transformed into another person at this moment, and she has to admit that Bai Jiujiu is a natural actor.

"Let me think."

Bai Jiujiu's eyes lit up, and if he didn't refuse, he had a chance.

Then the doorbell rang suddenly.

"It's just in time." Li Chuzhen smiled and stood up to open the door.

Yi Xuelan stood at the door, her voice was still extremely gentle, "Sister Li, what did you call me for?"

"Come in and we'll talk." Li Chuzhen gave way, but she didn't expect that there was another person behind Yi Xuelan, so she couldn't help being startled, "Mr. Lu, why are you here?"

Li Chuzhen met Lu Sichen a few times and cooperated with the Lu family, but she didn't know that Lu Sichen was the boss behind the new world.

"Just take a look." Lu Sichen's cold eyes caught Bai Jiujiu at once, and immediately sat beside 'him'.

Come to her house and just... have a look?
Li Chuzhen was a little surprised, Lu Sichen's arrival was a great honor to her small room.

Yi Xuelan smiled softly at Li Chuzhen: "Achen, he came with me."

Li Chuzhen's probing gaze was on the two of them, and Lu Sichen personally accompanied them. According to Xuelan's name, the relationship between the two is self-evident.

After hearing this, Bai Jiujiu chuckled in his heart.

How dare you not pay any attention to Lu Sichen's greeting just now, because he couldn't wait to see the beauty.

But isn't Lu Sichen misogynistic?

Ah Chen, you are so affectionate!

She had never called Lu Sichen so intimately before!
Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that this woman seems to have an extraordinary relationship with Lu Sichen.

The chest felt as if it had been stuffed with absorbent cotton, it was heavy, slightly congested, it was difficult to breathe, and it was aching.

"What's the matter?" Lu Sichen's eyes stayed on Bai Jiujiu's body all the time, and he was immediately caught by the slightest disturbance.

Bai Jiujiu frowned slightly, turned his face away and ignored it.

 PS: Jiujiu from my family is very jealous...

(End of this chapter)

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