Chapter 1463

Huo Mengxi's eyes fell behind the boulder.

He clearly heard two voices just now.

Could it be Duanmuyi's rescuer?If someone really dared to come to the Black Soul Mountain Range without authorization, it would be courting death. Neither of these two people could survive.

He suddenly struck out his palm, and his spiritual power slammed into the boulder. The boulder was almost turned into countless gravel powder amidst the sound of wind and thunder, and scattered in all directions.

Duanmuyi stood aside with great interest.

She didn't bother to do it at all, if Di Kongxuan was injured by the rubble so easily, it would be too insulting to his reputation... No, wait...

Her eyes changed.

This guy!
Di Kongxuan, after performing the imitation puppet operation, is closed and insensitive, so he can't feel pain naturally, so he dares to put himself in any kind of danger, even if his head is broken and bloody.

Because of this, people in the black alliance will be more wary of him.

She still couldn't do anything, what she showed to the medicine waiter should be a mentality of taking advantage of her, an attitude that he doesn't care about her life or death.

But she can move her mouth without using her hands.

"It's amazing, Young Master Huo. You were going to kill me earlier, but now you're going to kill the medicine attendant. I think you really don't take your leader of the black alliance seriously."

Startled, Yinque hurriedly pressed Huo Mengxi's hand, and went around to look behind the pile of rubble.

The man had been knocked unconscious by the gravel, his head and body were full of wounds, one after another, mud and blood stains covered his thin face, if it wasn't for the slight heaving of his chest, even Yinque would have thought that he had died died.

But even if he didn't die, if the lord of the alliance knew about his appearance, I'm afraid they would all be doomed.

Yinque got up, looked at Duanmu and said angrily: "You know he is here, why didn't you speak up when Huo Mengxi attacked!"

"Why should I speak?" Duanmuyi asked back, his smile was more confusing than the black mist on the top of the mountain.

Facing the cold wind, she avoided the two strands of loose string force coming from the far end, and walked behind the stone pestle.

She glanced down at the man, and smiled coldly: "What does his life and death have to do with me? Or, you idiots, do you want me to pay for you?"

After Duanmu said that, without looking at the three of them, he turned around and went down the mountain.

Master Ling, who had been waiting for four days, finally waited for the four people who came down the mountain.

On the way down the mountain, Yinque wiped the face of the medicine attendant clean, and asked Huo Mengxi to get a spare piece of clothes to change into. Apart from a weak breath, there was nothing wrong with it on the surface.

Sure enough, she was still worried that if something happened to the medicine attendant, she and Huo Mengxi would be questioned by Master Ling and the leader.

Fortunately, Master Ling didn't say anything after taking the medicine attendant, and helped him go out, his expression looked a little nervous and hurried.

Duanmuyi frowned and followed his footsteps: "Why are you walking in such a hurry?"

"Don't talk for now, hurry up and talk about it after you get out." Master Ling said in a muffled voice.

Yinque and Huo Mengxi naturally didn't dare to delay, they hurriedly left along the way they came.

Duanmuyi seemed to be aware of it, and turned his head to look at the highest point of the three peaks of the Black Soul Mountain Range, the dark clouds had turned into a thick ink color, and there were arm-thick lightning passing by continuously, like a guillotine hanging above his head , like heavy dew hanging on fragile leaves, ready to fall at any moment.

Thick coercion overflowed from the peak bit by bit, squeezing people's souls.

Because Master Ling's soul power is powerful, he smelled a terrifying aura, just above the top of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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