Chapter 1464

Because of Duanmuyi's strong soul power, she quickened her pace and dared not look back.

After walking out of the Black Soul Mountain Range, the pressure suddenly disappeared, making people feel that their shoulders were lightened and their whole body relaxed.

The carriage stopped at the entrance outside the mountain. Master Ling put the medicine attendant into the carriage and sat in himself, then began to check the medicine attendant's pulse and check the situation in his body.

At this moment, he became angry, lifted the curtain of the car, stared at Yinque and Huo Mengxi and said, "I asked you to protect him, and that's how you protect me!?"

Huo Mengxi bowed, knelt on the ground and said: "Master Ling, we were trapped in Duanmi Peak for three full days, during which time the medicine attendant disappeared, and only later did we find out that he was with Miss Duanmu.

Why did the medicine attendant become like this? You have to ask Miss Duanmu! "

Master Ling turned his eyes and looked at Duanmuyi.

Duanmuyi smiled, sat on the horse, and said calmly: "I would like to ask Mr. Huo and Miss Yinque, you were sent by the lord to protect me and the medicine waiter, why did the medicine waiter and I walk up the mountain safely?" , you two are trapped in the mountains?"

Huo Mengxi was about to speak, but Yinque stopped her with her hand.

Yinque knew the trap in her words, Duanmuyi's spiritual power was suppressed by the black alliance, and the medicine attendant was a weak patient with no power to restrain the chicken. Anyway, these two people should not be her and Huo Mengxi's opponent.

They also thought so at first, so when Huo Mengxi wanted to kill Duanmuyi, Yinque didn't object.

Because she knows it will be easy.

But unexpectedly, it failed.

A matter that should have been easy, but there were some twists and turns that shouldn't have happened. If something goes wrong, it must be a demon. She has absolute reasons to believe that either there is something wrong with Duanmuyi, or there is something wrong with the medicine attendant.

Yinque has always had a lot of eyes, and thought of many things in an instant, so she didn't let Huo Mengxi open her mouth.

She looked at Master Ling and said, "It was the negligence of Senior Brother Huo and I, we didn't expect the black mist on Duan Mie Peak to confuse people's hearts, and we got lost in the forest.

As for how the medicine waiter and Duanmu girl went up the mountain, we don't know. "

Duanmu smiled playfully.

Her words were very instructive.

The black mist of Duan Mie Peak trapped even Huo Mengxi and Yinque, how could it not trap her and the medicine attendant?

Although it was not stated explicitly, it also implied that one of the two of them must have a problem.

Master Ling couldn't bear to watch them argue, and as soon as the car curtain was released, a deep and angry voice came: "Let's go!"

After the carriage left the Black Soul Mountain Range, Duanmuyi restrained his mind and seemed to be sitting steadily on the horse, but he had already entered the state of inner vision.

She was immersed in the strange state of her dantian, and deeply felt that this trip to the Black Soul Mountain Range was really worthwhile.

However, in the carriage, Master Ling's complexion still did not improve.

The medicine attendant lying next to him also frowned slightly.


The middle one of the three peaks of the Black Soul Mountain Range is called Huashen Peak, and it is the place closest to the gods of the sky in the legends of the entire Cangyang Continent.

At this time, black clouds hang low, silver dragons shuttle, and thunder bursts.

On the top of Incarnation Peak, there is a high raised square. The square is flat and smooth, with mysterious runes engraved on it, every stroke of the stone is divided into five points, no more, no less, like the sky holding a seal, The strength is evenly engraved on it.

The runes are strange, converging from the surroundings to the middle, like a river returning to one point, and that point is a bottomless pit, a dark abyss that swallows everything.

(End of this chapter)

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