Chapter 1465

Just above the darkness, there was a man in black, suspended above a cloud of black mist.

An almost uncontrollable force erupted from his body, powerful enough to destroy everything. The trees around the square were all shattered into powder, but the whole square was still intact.

"I didn't expect to meet a cultivator with dual bloodlines here, but it's a pity that I'm still at the golden core stage."

A deep voice sounded slowly, and the man in black raised his head, revealing a pair of thick ink-like eyes, pale lips, but showing a strange smile.

"But it doesn't matter, even the cultivation base of Jindan stage is enough to be my last food."

"And that guy who practiced puppet art, heh, Di Kongxuan, I remembered your aura 200 years ago!"

"One by one, all of you have come to challenge the dignity of this old man, so let's show you what is the real invincibility of God Transformation!"

He raised his head, and suddenly mobilized all the spiritual power in his body.

Almost instantly, the surging black clouds in the sky stagnated, and everything in the world stagnated for a moment.

The scattered string force floating aimlessly in the mountains, the flying insects in the air, the fallen leaves, including the galloping horse outside the mountain, the people on horseback... everything has come to a standstill.

And after this short stagnation of a ten-millionth of a second, a silver lightning from the sky fell towards the peak of Huashen Peak like a sky-splitting giant axe.

At the same time, there was a strange and faraway aura coming from another world.

The loose string force resumed its movement, the fallen leaves fell back to the ground, the horseshoes galloped wildly, and the man on the horse, pressing his chest, looked back with palpitations.

That terrifying tribulation thunder fell into her eyes.

The tribulation thunder is silent, but it can arouse the deepest fear in people's hearts.

What a powerful force that is, just one glance can make people feel terrified.

After a glance, a halo suddenly lit up inside the carriage, and in the next second, a transparent film covered the whole group of people.

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment—isn't this the cage that he stayed in the hot spring in Heimeng?
Master Ling had already stepped out of the carriage. Looking in the direction of Huashen Peak, he sighed slightly: "He actually touched this threshold."

Huo Mengxi and Yinque knelt down on one knee and saluted respectfully.

"Is it the elder in charge you are talking about?" Duanmu Yi asked.

Master Ling hummed, and said: "This object is called the round shield, which cannot be broken by external force, and it is a high-grade spiritual weapon.

The power of tribulation thunder is huge, even if it is separated by such a distance, it is easy to hurt the lungs, and the round shield can protect us. "

Duanmuyi knew that he was solving his doubts, so he nodded slightly and said, "Thank you, Master Ling."

She is still willing to respect a first-grade pharmacist who possesses sky fire.

From the Nascent Soul Stage to the Transformation Stage, there are a total of six thunderstorms. If you can bear it, it will be a broad road to a wider world of practice;

At this time, there was the first sky thunder just now, and the round shield only emitted a faint light, which blocked the aftermath.But the trees and vegetation beside everyone turned into powder.

It was far away, so I couldn't see clearly what happened on Huashen Peak, but judging by the speed at which Tianlei condensed, it could be seen that the elder in charge must have survived.

Immediately after that came the second way, which descended into the world like the ax of the gods, splitting the sky and splitting the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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