Chapter 1466

Duanmuyi remained motionless, like a statue.

She squinted her eyes slightly, and felt the power of thunder and lightning condensed in the blood of the monster race in her dantian, and she began to move.This is just a trace of remaining power, but it can still stir the aura in her dantian.

The aftermath of the second sky thunder spread, and the light from the round cover became even stronger.

At the same time, Duanmuyi was aware of his body, and quietly absorbed the aftermath into his body.

Obviously blocked by the round shield, it should be impossible for the power of the aftermath to invade here. Why can she still absorb those powers?

Duanmuyi was puzzled, but she knew that no matter what, it was a good thing.

If she could absorb all the power of the aftermath of the six tribulation thunders, perhaps her bloodline of the monster clan would be able to gain even more.

"What if we asked Master Ling to remove the round cover and directly absorb the aftermath power from outside?"

A crazy idea rose in Duanmu's mind.

Suddenly, the medicine attendant coughed softly from inside the carriage.

Duanmuyi let out a breath and woke up.

She is really too greedy, if the round mask is removed, it is hard to say whether she can survive the aftermath.

But... Duanmuyi looked back at the carriage and thought to himself, how could that guy always guess what he was thinking?You can't even think about it at all.

Master Ling suddenly said: "Your soul power is already strong, and you are a good seed to become a pharmacist. But at your age, you are a bit older, and most of you will become a pharmacist, and you have been apprenticed since the beginning of enlightenment."

Duanmuyi blinked and looked at him.

He won't say this for no reason, there must be a follow-up article.

Sure enough, Master Ling smiled: "If you are willing to worship me as your teacher, I can save you many detours on the road of refining pharmacists."

Duanmuyi took half a step back and bowed: "Thank you Master Ling for your kindness, but I already have a master."

"Oh?" Master Ling was stunned, stroked his beard and said, "I'm also one of the best pharmacists in Cangyang Continent, first-grade pharmacists are willing to accept you as an apprentice, there are many such opportunities.

Who is your master? "

Duanmuyi doesn't have any master, but he just said it casually to prevaricate.

But if Master Ling found out about this, he would be completely offended.

It's rare to be appreciated by a first-grade pharmacist, and she doesn't want to make the relationship stiff.

So, she pulled out a mysterious smile, pretending to be profound.

Master Ling was stunned for a moment, and asked: "Could it be that the leader accepted you as a disciple?"

Now Duanmuyi was stunned.

Leader?Leader of the Black League?Why did he accept himself as an apprentice?

Could it be that the leader of the Black League is also a pharmacist?I haven't heard Di Kongxuan mention it.

Duanmu was thinking about something in his mind, but his expression was as calm as usual, without any waves.

This unfathomable appearance made Master Ling even more unpredictable.

But the matter of the leader of the black alliance is a secret, so naturally he won't say much.

With this kind of doubt in mind, Duanmuyi suddenly found that the thunder had stopped.

"How many tribulation thunders?" Duanmuyi asked.

"Five ways." Master Ling said.

It's only five, why did it stop?
Duan Muyi looked up, the sky was pitch black, the thunderclouds were still surging, but the thunder had stopped.After a while, the thunderclouds also began to dissipate slowly, revealing the bright sky.

"What's going on here? Five tribulation thunders, what realm is that? Is it considered the stage of transformation?" Duan Muyi frowned slightly, and suddenly thought of something Di Kongxuan mentioned.

(End of this chapter)

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