Chapter 1467

If the old god in charge succeeds, then he will not be a threat to them.

But if he gave up transforming gods, with his cultivation base, the current Emperor Kongxuan was no match for him.

Is this sentence going to be fulfilled?
The elder in charge...has he given up on becoming a god?

However, apart from this, not all of the six tribulation thunders fell, there is another possibility.

Duanmu asked after deliberation: "Dead?"

Although she considered it carefully, she asked too directly, which immediately drew the glaring looks of Huo Mengxi and Yinque.

Huo Mengxi got up and said: "In the Black League, the elder in charge is the leader of the alliance, how dare you disrespect the elder!"

Duanmuyi doesn't believe in any ally leader, it's the same as helping a certain emperor conquer the world, the emperor made such a bullshit promise that "Ai Qing is equal to me".

There cannot be two tigers in one mountain. Similarly, it is impossible for a black alliance to have two leaders with equal rights.

Then what Di Kongxuan said before, the Black League is not an iron bucket, is this the reason?

Could this be an opportunity she could take advantage of?
But no matter what, now that the tribulation thunder had indeed dissipated, Master Ling withdrew his round cover, some of them mounted their horses, some of them mounted their carriages, and set off again.

Two days later, I arrived at the Black League Academy.

On the way, the medicine attendant fell into a coma for some reason, and his whole body was cold, which made Master Ling feel as if he was facing a formidable enemy. As soon as he returned to the academy, he immediately took him to the pharmacy refining room.

Although Duanmuyi knew that it was just a puppet, he still used Dikongxuan's body after all. After such a toss, Dikongxuan would lose a lot of weight again.

Distressed, but there is no way.

The Black League is a dangerous place, more dangerous than any place she has been to in her previous life, so she can't take risks, especially not with Dikongxuan.

Duanmuyi returned to his yard, and when he entered the door, he was blown all over his face by a firework.

She stood there with black hair, looking at the man who jumped out from the door.

I haven't seen him for nearly half a month, and it seems that he hasn't found a tool to shave. At this time, his beard has grown out, but his glass-colored eyes are still dazzling, and he looks even more heroic.

"Madam Peony, I haven't seen you for a long time, do you remember me?"

Duanmuyi pushed him away expressionlessly, pulled the fireworks hanging from his hair, and walked into the yard.

She must have had a brain twitch to agree to live in the same yard with him!
Dinner was eaten in the yard, the food in Heimeng College was very average, but Duanmuyi was never a picky eater.

He Erchuan was full of complaints at first, but when he saw her eating in silence, he smiled broadly.

"Mrs. Peony, I really like the way you eat when I see you eating." He Erchuan took two mouthfuls of rice and said, "The women I have seen are all eating slowly, and they always put on airs when they eat. Really Very annoying.

Like you, this king thinks it's best. "

That's what a straight man is.

Obviously it seems to praise you, but the words you say will never make people happy.

Duanmu Yimian took out a wrench expressionlessly, put it on the table, and said, "Thank you for your stuff, now it's back to its original owner."

He Erchuan didn't even look at the wrench, his eyes were all on the dish in front of him, as if what was on the table was some rare delicacies that he had never eaten before.

In fact, they were all things that he had previously seen as pigs.

"Hello—" Duanmuyi frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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