Chapter 1468

"There are so many people like this in this prince's mansion that the storeroom can't be filled. Every day, He Lian hugs this prince's thigh and begs him to throw some away." He Erchuan chewed the old celery, spit out a mouthful of straw, and sighed. He said flatly, "Furthermore, there is no reason to take back what was given to Mrs. Wang. If those bastards in the empire find out, wouldn't they be laughing out loud?"

Duanmuyi really wants to say, your current appearance is enough to make people laugh out loud.

"What did you go to the Black Soul Mountain Range for?" He Erchuan said, "A few days ago, there was a strong spiritual power fluctuation in the Black Soul Mountain Range. Was it caused by you?"

The spillover of spiritual power caused by the power of the tribulation thunder can be felt even by the Black League Academy dozens of miles away, which shows how powerful it is.

As soon as he said it, Duanmuyi thought of the elder in charge who had only withstood five thunderstorms. That person was so strong that he was always like a thorn in his heart, and if he didn't pay attention, he would cause heart ischemia.

Heart ischemia would kill her, and she didn't want to die.

Therefore, the elder in charge will be her greatest enemy in the future.

However, there is no need to tell He Erchuan about these things. As the prince of a country, as long as the Black Alliance is not mad enough to provoke a joint crusade by the five countries, the Black Alliance will not be against him.

If that time really comes... then he can only wish for luck.

Duanmu Yi's heart was full of memories, but his face was calm and he couldn't see any clues, he just said: "It's not us, it's the elder in charge."

"The elder in charge of the Black League?" He Erchuan looked a little strange, "The old thing is still alive?"

Duanmuyi looked at him: "Why, do you know him?"

He Erchuan shook his head: "How could I know him, he is an old monster who is almost three hundred years old, even scarier than Di Kongxuan.

It was this guy who instigated the Black League disaster in the vast continent back then...

Well, I don’t know if it’s true, but it’s a record I saw in my ancestor’s tomb anyway. "

"..." Duanmuyi was speechless.

I have never seen a wicked descendant who has dug his own ancestral grave and still looks like he should.

But seeing that this wicked descendant dug the ancestral grave for her, Duanmu Yi could only sigh leisurely, admitting that he was very convinced by His Highness the Prince.

I don't know if the ancestors of the Hull Empire will be reborn from the bones?

After eating, someone will come to clean up. Duanmuyi went back to her room, but she left the finger on the table and did not take it away.

He Erchuan also left with a swipe of his mouth, without looking at the wrench from the beginning to the end.

Seems like a worthless piece of crap.

But in fact, at a critical moment, He Erchuan gave Duanmuyi something that was said to be life-saving, so how could it be a worthless thing?
When it was dark, the waiter from the Black League College came to collect the trays, and he saw the finger wrench on the table at first sight.

The finger is exquisite in workmanship, dark green all over, and under the illumination of the glazed lamp, it reflects colorful luster, and it can be seen at a glance that it is a valuable thing.

The waiter put away the plate, glanced left and right, finally couldn't bear the greed in his heart, and stretched out his hand towards the wrench.

Just when his hand touched the finger, the finger suddenly emitted a dark green luster, cold and full of darkness, even darker than the Black League.

The waiter didn't even utter an exclamation, and turned into a pool of white ash, and was blown by the wind that passed through the door, and turned into nothingness.

(End of this chapter)

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