Chapter 1469

On the opposite roof, He Erchuan took a sip of wine from the jug and opened his clothes against the night wind with a relaxed and comfortable face.

The beard fluttering in the wind slightly raised his face, and he sighed.


Greed is hidden in the deepest part of the human heart, and it will crawl out at the darkest time, gnawing at the heart like a hellish ghost.

One bite at a time, until the person is bitten to ashes, and then blown by the ruthless wind, it disappears without a trace, as if it has never been there.

He Erchuan expressed emotion on the roof, but Duanmuyi fell into deep thought inside the house.

From seeing the tribulation thunder fall in the Black Soul Mountain Range, to now returning to the Black League Academy, she always has a strange feeling in her heart, like an indescribable feeling.

This kind of comprehension comes from the heart, allowing people to see the changes in the vast world, the reincarnation of the three realms and six realms, the ants under their feet, and the sky eagle in the sky.

Duanmuyi is not a pure practitioner, even though she still has the memory of the original owner of her body in her mind.

But the original owner was also a concubine who was excluded by others, and she didn't have access to too many high-level books, so naturally she couldn't understand what this strange feeling state was.

Duanmuyi is a person who has experienced many battles. She has the keenest sixth sense and has her own unique way of sensing danger and safety.

Therefore, she knew that this insight must be useful to her cultivation.


But when she settled down to samadhi, she couldn't capture this ethereal and mysterious state of perception.

In the gossip-like cyclone at the dantian, the golden core of the spirit clan's bloodline remained motionless, and the small silver beads of thunder and lightning power in the monster clan's bloodline were still spinning continuously, but no power could be separated.

It was as if there was a golden mountain in front of her, but she didn't even have the tools to dig it.


Even a person like Duanmuyi who didn't change his face in the face of a landslide, who broke into a military base to kill the target but fell into a trap and was still calm, now he swears angrily.

Knowing that as long as he can comprehend the mysterious and unpredictable state, as long as he can completely use the power of lightning for his own use, he can cross the middle stage of Golden Core and become a strong person in the late Golden Core stage.

The gap between each level of Golden Core stage is like a gap, and it is too difficult to cross it.

Duanmuyi has also been sleepy for a long time, and she really wants to cross over as soon as possible. Every time she improves her strength, she will feel more secure in her heart.

However, if other cultivators know about her thoughts, they will definitely attack her together, scolding this person for not knowing good and bad, and not being satisfied.

In the late autumn and early winter of the year before last, she was persecuted by the Duanmu family and fell into the Dan River as a waste.

But after this catastrophe, her dantian actually accumulated spiritual power, and she crossed the acquired realm in one fell swoop, and became a cultivator at the early innate stage.

Then she met Di Kongxuan, and worked hard to temper her frail body in the Jialan tribe. Facing the danger of her internal organs being damaged, she gradually became a strong person in the later stage of congenital.

Until he left the Jialan tribe, entered the human world, and realized the innate skills.

He even created a hidden cultivation method by himself, and this alone has already surpassed most people in the world.

The ancestor of the Duanmu family named Duanmu Sen can be said to be another opportunity for her.

Even though that man disregarded her dantian's ability to bear it and forcibly transferred her spiritual power, which almost ruined her cultivation, but luckily she had a spiritual pet and Di Kongxuan was by her side, so not only was she fine.

(End of this chapter)

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