Chapter 1470

In one fell swoop, he broke through the first hurdle after the congenital Dzogchen, and entered the golden elixir stage.

After that, her luck seemed to be even better, and the Mountain and Sea Realm obtained the illusion of Ba Snake Elephant Bone and Chang Fei.

After several trials and tribulations, facing Shen Xuerou's pursuit by the Duanmu family, not only did she not die, but she became a master in the middle stage of Jindan, enough to look down on most people in the cultivation world.

Possessing dual bloodlines of the Spirit Race and Monster Race, possessing innate skills, and being surrounded by a strong man like Di Kongxuan, in the eyes of most people, Duanmuyi's luck is extremely good.

But she was still not satisfied.

She felt that her cultivation speed was too slow and her cultivation level was too low.

Because she is not a person who can practice slowly and understand life slowly.

From the moment she came to this world, she had a blood feud.

What was on her shoulders was the tragic death of her father, mother and younger brother, a narrow escape in which all internal organs were destroyed, the pursuit of the Duanmu family, the most powerful force in the spirit clan, and the hatred of the head of Huage Pavilion, the number one division in the world.

Therefore, she wants to be the strongest.

Just when she was about to go all out and use those lightning powers for her own use to improve her cultivation, a red light suddenly bloomed in her room.

Like a blood lotus, blooming in the darkness.

Duanmuyi's mind was shaken and he suddenly woke up.

She was really stunned.

The power of thunder and lightning in her body comes from Jielei, which is more difficult to grasp than the power of Danhe, the most violent power in the world, she actually tried to refine it in a brutal way, and in the end it is very likely that she was captured by this A force for refining.

Duanmuyi looked at the blooming blood lotus in the room and smiled slightly.

"Aren't you afraid of being discovered by Master Ling?"

The blood lotus swayed slightly, and a red shadow fluttered down three inches from the ground like smoke and mist.

What appeared was only a phantom of Di Kongxuan, but an aura like an emperor spread in the room.

He looked down at Duanmuyi, silent and stern.

Duanmuyi touched the tip of his nose, feeling a little guilty.

"If you do it again next time—"


Di Kongxuan moved a little closer, rubbing her face with his illusory fingertips, his voice was hoarse and threatening: "I will devote my whole life to cultivation, and I will also lock you by my side, lest you put yourself in danger every day." , makes me worry."

Duanmuyi turned over and got out of bed, poured a cup of hot tea to quench his thirst, and said with a smile: "If I don't want to be locked up by you, even if you try to lock me up with your life, I won't be able to.

If I am willing, with just one look from you, I will come back to you even thousands of miles away. "

Hearing these words, Di Kongxuan suddenly felt a scalding heat rushing through his heart, and the torture he had suffered these days suddenly seemed like traces on the sand, blown away without leaving any traces.

He murmured: "I really hate..."

I hate myself for not being able to come here in real body, but only imitating a phantom.

Otherwise, he would definitely embrace the little woman in front of him and give her the most powerful hugs and kisses.

"Mrs. Peony!" There was a knock on the door outside.

Di Kongxuan frowned, glanced back, and said displeasedly: "In the middle of the night, he actually came to knock on your door. You can be regarded as a prince of a country, but he is so impolite."

Duanmuyi rested his chin and looked at him: "In the middle of the night, who suddenly appeared in my room?"

"Can he be compared with me?" Di Kongxuan sneered.

Duanmu ignored him, stepped forward, and opened the door: "What are you doing?"

"Didn't sleep really?" He Erchuan chuckled, but he didn't try to enter her room too far, and he didn't look wildly, he just said, "Just now I suddenly remembered something, and I forgot to tell you. "

(End of this chapter)

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