Chapter 1471

"what's up?"

"Before you went to the Black Soul Mountain Range, didn't you tell me to find a chance to visit the Black League Academy?" He Erchuan said mysteriously, "I really found something weird."

Duanmuyi felt that there was an aura in Heimeng College that made her feel uncomfortable. This aura was sometimes extremely cold and sometimes extremely hot, which disturbed her mind.

But the Black League Academy has existed for hundreds of years, and it is normal to think of something special. She didn't have any expectations. Didn't she think that He Erchuan really found it?

"It's not my credit, it's this." He Erchuan said, taking out an object from his spirit ring and handing it to her.

Duanmuyi took a look and was stunned for a moment: "This is something from Xiaoxi."

He Erchuan nodded: "I met the Yaozu princess before I came, she said that the Yaozu is one of the main targets of the black alliance, she can't come, but she gave me this jade piece, saying it might be useful. "

Hu Yuexi, as the last remaining pure royal blood of the monster clan, may have a deeper understanding of the Black League than anyone else.

Does she know something?
Or expect them to find something through this piece of jade?
After a moment of silence, Duanmuyi said: "It's not too late, you wait for me for a while, let's go and explore together."

He Erchuan smiled and stroked his beard: "Cheng, I'm waiting for you."

What he said was extremely romantic, as if waiting for an interesting event on the top of the cloud and rain, it was really embarrassing.

Duanmuyi couldn't help but give him a blank look. His Royal Highness Prince Chuan didn't know when he would be able to have a normal shape. After finally looking normal, his image would definitely be ruined when he opened his mouth.

After closing the door, Di Kongxuan's phantom flickered and imprisoned her by the wall.

"How did you promise me just now, huh?" A golden glow suddenly appeared in his eyes, as cold as ice.

"Hu Yuexi won't harm me, will he?" Duanmu said firmly, "Since it is the information given by this piece of jade, then I think I can give it a try. What if I find a way to leave? No matter how bad it is, get The baby of the Black League is also good."

Di Kongxuan gritted his teeth secretly: "You are not unaware of the strict curfew of the Black League Academy.

The Black League Academy doesn't even need patrols at night, do you know why?
Because of the rules of the school, and because all important places in the Black League Academy are guarded by the restriction of string force, if you want to break the restriction of string force, how can you do it?
Or by He Erchuan? "

Duanmuyi knew the danger, but she had to try.

Tomorrow the leader of the black alliance will definitely come to take the meteorite he wanted, but the meteorite is actually a waste stone, and no one can say how the leader of the black alliance will react when he gets it.

There are too many things to predict after tomorrow, Duanmuyi can only take risks.

Action must be taken tonight.

"With me, of course it won't work. Heimeng College can catch a lot of mid-Golden Core students; with Heerchuan, it's even more impossible. He's an early-Golden Core, and he's a human race." Duanmuyi said, "But if you don't try If you try, there is really nothing you can do.”

After a moment of silence, Di Kongxuan said, "If you're not completely sure, don't do anything, just go and check, it's okay."

Duanmuyi nodded: "Don't worry, I regret my life."

"Really?" Di Kongxuan glanced at her and mocked, "I didn't see it."

The curfew of Heimeng College is really strict, not to mention people, not a single bird.

(End of this chapter)

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