Chapter 1472

Two black shadows quickly swept across the open space between the courtyards, heading towards the direction pointed by the jade piece.

"It's over there." He Erchuan pointed to a courtyard ahead.

This is already the very inner part of the Black League Academy. Behind this courtyard is a whole stretch of black forests. I am afraid that only the people inside the Black League Academy are qualified to know what lies beyond.

"This doesn't look like a place for people to live in." Duanmuyi murmured, her soul power didn't detect the breath of people, but felt an extremely powerful and soft force.

That force is like a reversed porcelain bowl, enveloping the whole building in front of it, with a wide range that cannot be touched at a glance.

She looked at the not-so-big black wooden door in front of her, and couldn't imagine how much area was accommodated behind this building.

He Erchuan said: "I came here during the day on the pretext of getting lost. The strange thing is that even during the day, there are no people here. Even if someone saw me walking this way, they didn't stop me. In my eyes, this place is nothing."

"It's not that this place is nothing, but that you and I are nothing." Duanmuyi smiled, "Heimeng College has extremely strong confidence in this string force restriction, and they all believe that as long as there is this restriction, anyone Don't even try to break in.

But it's true, with your and my current abilities, of course there is no way to restrain it with this string force. "

"What is the string force restriction?" He Erchuan asked.

Duanmu pointed to the front: "A very wonderful thing."

"Grandma, there is such a thing." He Erchuan frowned, "Why didn't the ancestor mention it?"

Duanmu raised his forehead and wanted to say, probably your ancestors never imagined that there would be such a descendant of a beast who would dig graves, dig treasures, and die.

If he had known, the old ancestor of the Hull Empire might have left his ancestral precepts, asking He Erchuan's father to strangle him to death as soon as he gave birth to this wicked son.

"Then what should we do now? Break in?" He Erchuan asked.

"Hey!" Duanmuyi hurriedly pulled him back, and said in a low voice, "The restriction of string force is beyond the scope of your understanding. If you rush forward like this, you will only die."

He Erchuan asked: "Then is the jade piece in your hand useful?"

"...try?" Duanmu asked.

"Let's try it." He Erchuan snatched the jade piece from her hand and threw it over without saying a word.

Duanmu said: "..."

He Erchuan chuckled: "What if something happens to you in the past?"

"Then how can we get the jade piece back?" Duanmuyi asked expressionlessly.

He Erchuan turned his head and saw that the jade piece had indeed fallen into the wall without any obstruction.


"That..." He Erchuan coughed dryly and said, "Perhaps the restriction has been lifted?"

Duanmuyi gritted his teeth secretly, turned around and left: "Excuse me, His Royal Highness Prince Chuan, I found that you are really a wonderful person."

"Can this king understand this sentence as a compliment?" He Erchuan asked.

"Up to you!" Duanmu was so angry that he had nothing to say.

Just when the two were about to leave, a sharp whistle suddenly sounded in the entire Black League Academy. The whistle condensed into a line, reaching the sky, and then fell into the ears of all the sleeping people.

At this moment, the sleeping Black League Academy woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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