Chapter 1475

Kiss the ground at the feet of the leader of the Black League with the most solemn etiquette of the Black League.

Duanmuyi slowly clenched his fists.

Although he knew that the one in front of him was just a puppet, at least this body belonged to Di Kongxuan, even if he deliberately changed his body and appearance, he was Di Kongxuan.

Seeing him making such a humble gesture, Duanmuyi's heart ached.

He should be the man who occupies the throne, making everyone in the world bow down for him.

The staring light in his eyes has never been extinguished, but in the end he still bent his proud spine for her.

She watched and thought quietly, her eyes were cold and colorless.

She can't be impulsive.

Because the leader of the Black League is watching her.

"The lord is right in front of you now, can you tell me?" Master Ling looked at the medicine attendant and said, "How did you touch and activate the restriction?"

The leader of the Black League finally moved his eyes away from Duanmu Yi's body. He stretched out his palm noblely, holding his exclusive teacup, took a sip of tea, and said in a slow voice, "I heard that you must see me before you agree. Say?"

The medicine attendant raised his head, pretending to be calm, but anyone could see the panic and fear in his eyes.

But it was rare that his voice was still stable.

"My lord, the villain... is guilty."

The leader of the black alliance let out a cold snort: "Of course I know that you are guilty. Violating the rules of the court and touching the prohibition are all serious crimes that can smash you to pieces."

"That's not what the villain said." The medicine attendant lowered his head, took out a parchment from his bosom and handed it over, "This is what the villain got from Duan Mie Peak. Greedy, risking oneself, thus touching the academy's prohibition, the villain is guilty."

What is it?
Not only the Black League members were suspicious, but even Duanmuyi was also very curious.

The leader of the black alliance took it, opened it up, and suddenly the aura of his whole body changed drastically, and the black mist covering his body also swayed for a while, which seemed to show his uneasiness.

He closed the parchment, looked down at the person kneeling on the ground, and said in a cold tone: "You mean, this thing is obtained from Duan Mie Mountain?"

"Exactly." The medicine attendant's shoulders trembled, and he said in a low voice, "The villain thinks that the thing painted on it is a treasure, thinking that the medicine hall is a place where people come and go, even if it is a treasure, it doesn't matter. .

But to the villain, it was a huge sum of money, so he became greedy... In addition, at the time when the medicine was taking effect, the villain did not expect to cause such a catastrophe—"

"Okay." The leader of the Black League interrupted him, and turned to look at Master Ling, "Didn't you go with them at that time? Why didn't you report this matter?"

Master Ling quickly saluted and said: "There is a string force restriction protection outside Duan Mie Peak, I need to keep the restriction open at the foot of the mountain before letting them in.

I only escorted them down the mountain, and I never followed them the rest of the way.

So what happened, I don't know. "

"Mengxi." The leader of the black alliance raised his head, and under the cover of black mist, two eyes fell on Huo Mengxi as if they were real.

The simple two words, the seemingly intimate address, sent chills down Huo Mengxi's spine, and he knelt down with a plop.

"Student... The student and Yinque indeed escorted Miss Duanmu and the medicine attendant up the mountain, but then the student and Yinque were trapped in the black forest and took three full days to get out. It's really..."

(End of this chapter)

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