Chapter 1476

"I really don't know where Miss Duanmu took the medicine attendant with her."

Huo Mengxi's words are also very artistic.

It seems simple, but in fact, the information revealed is that Duanmuyi and Yaoshi are in the same group.

Duanmuyi must know what the medicine waiter did.

Duanmuyi stood aside, smiled slightly, and said: "Young Master Huo said in detail, but why didn't you explain clearly why you and Yinque were trapped in the black forest?

Why are you trapped and I am not?

And why did you conclude that it was me and the medicine attendant who were together at that time? "

Let me tell you enough.

If you have the ability, just say that you want to kill me.

Huo Mengxi slowly clenched his fists and looked up at Duanmuyi.

I just feel that the woman in front of me looks innocent and harmless, but in fact she is a wicked woman with deep roots in the city. No wonder Duanmu Xiaoxiao has been bullied by her all the time, it is simply hateful!
"You don't dare to say it, so would you like me to say it for you?" Duanmuyi raised his lips and smiled, full of malice.

She never wanted to be a good person, after all, good people don't live long.

However, just as she was about to speak, the leader of the Black League raised his hand to stop her.

He put away the parchment, and immediately said: "Let's leave this matter alone, Huo Mengxi and Yinque will be imprisoned on the fifth floor of the Nine Worlds Pagoda for ten days.

The medicine attendant is arbitrarily restrained by string force, and is given three days of punishment for exposure to the sun.

Duanmuyi, what is the main thing in this league? "

Duanmu Yi had already prepared, and handed over the meteorite: "In the entire Duanmie Peak, I only feel this aura, which is probably the meteorite you want?"

The meteorite flew out of her hand and fell into the hands of the leader of the Black Alliance.

After a while, I heard his disappointment: "It still doesn't work... I searched all over the world, not to mention the meteor jade of the six tribulation thunders, even the four tribulation thunders are useless."

Listening to his words, it seems that it is not once or twice that we encounter useless meteorites.

Duanmuyi drooped his eyes, and his heart relaxed slightly.

The leader of the Black League put away the meteorite jade, and immediately said: "From today onwards, the leader of the alliance will live here, and the punishment of these people will be executed immediately."

Both Huo Mengxi and Yinque were scared out of their wits, but they didn't dare to beg for mercy, so they could only be dragged out with pale faces.

The medicine attendant was also pulled out, and he never looked at Duanmu Yi from the beginning to the end.

Duanmuyi didn't know what the ten-day punishment on the fifth floor of the Nine World Pagoda was, but she knew that the three-day sun-exposed punishment meant that everyone would be exposed to the sun and peel off their skin.

She couldn't help but wanted to speak, but He Erchuan behind him suddenly put a hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"I thought it was a big deal. Since it's all right, then the king and his wife will go back first."

Duanmuyi glanced at him and swallowed the words in his mouth.

The leader of the black alliance said lightly: "Prince Chuan wants to leave or stay, this leader will not interfere.

But Duanmuyi is the main person in this league, it's better for you to keep your hands away. "

His words were already very polite, but He Erchuan didn't buy it.

He Erchuan smiled and said, "Your people?

Huo Mengxi, Yinque and Yaowai are all your people, and I can see what will happen to you.

Mrs. Peony is the person that this king recognizes. If she loses a hair, this king will risk his life, and he will not make it easier for you, Heimeng. "

"What is your life worth?" The leader of the Black League sneered, "Your life cannot be exchanged by an ordinary student of the Black League."

(End of this chapter)

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