Chapter 1477

He Erchuan laughed loudly, and said immediately: "Speaking of it, I have to rely on the blessing of the medicine attendant. When Xianli restrained the chaos last night, this king saw a lot of good things."

As soon as the words fell, the faces of the three honorary elders changed, and Master Ling raised his eyes in astonishment.

Duanmuyi looked back at him, frowning slightly, as if she didn't understand what he said.

The leader of the Black League stood up, flapped his black robe, and stretched out a pale hand with slender fingers and well-defined joints. With a light grip, it was as if he was holding He Erchuan's throat.

"What do you see?"

He Erchuan had no strength to struggle under his hands, and was strangled by him in the air, his face flushed red, but his glazed eyes became brighter and brighter: "I saw you—"

The leader of the Black League let go of his hand slightly, and was about to laugh at his nonsense, when he heard him continue the second half of the sentence as if panting: "The courtyard where I live."

He Erchuan broke free from his control, walked to the side of the medicine waiter, knelt down and pressed the medicine waiter's shoulder, and smiled.

"Let me tell you, the courtyard where you live, President, is really celestial. There are things in the sky and nothing on earth, which makes people envious.

This king can feast his eyes, this medicine attendant is a great hero, so the so-called punishment of exposure can be avoided. "

"Prince Chuan is pleading for mere medicine attendant?" The leader of the black alliance paced slowly, the black fog ball in his palm scattered into an iron chain, strangled He Erchuan's neck, and said with interest, "Why?"

He Erchuan looked at him from a close distance, but still couldn't see his face, so he could only suppress his mind and said with a smile: "This king said, he is a hero."

"Hehe, interesting." The leader of the black alliance let go of him, looked down at the medicine attendant, and asked, "Medical waiter, tell me, Prince Chuan is begging for you, should the leader give him a little favor?"

The medicine attendant walked thousands of times on his knees, kneeling at his feet: "What the lord bestows is not a punishment, but a reward, and the villain is willing to accept it."

"You can talk." The leader of the Black League sneered, kicked him away, turned around and said, "Since Prince Chuan and the medicine attendant hit it off so well, we will imprison both of them in the third floor of the Nine World Tower.

Duanmuyi, you come with the leader. "

Duanmuyi gave He Erchuan a hard look, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

The pharmacist didn't save him, and put himself in it.

Well, she's all alone now...

The Ninth Tower is the most mysterious place in the Black League, not only because it is the daily living place of the leader of the Black League, but also because each floor of the Ninth Tower represents a cruel punishment.

Everyone who has entered the Ninth Tower can come out alive, but they dare not make mistakes again, because they are afraid of the Ninth Tower.

The higher the Ninth Tower goes, the more severe the punishment. The fifth floor can be regarded as the best known to the Black League people.

As for those above the fifth floor, no one has come out so far, and we can only know that those people are still alive from their life cards.

Being tortured alive is the most painful thing.

The third level is relatively well-known, and it is the punishment of the water prison.

He Erchuan turned his body in the water, and Liuli's pupils flashed with contemplation: "Although there are no shackles on the body, the water is very strange. Being in the water, even the movements become extremely slow."

The medicine attendant turned to look at him, but didn't speak.

"Look, if this king doesn't come in to accompany you, how boring it would be to be alone."

(End of this chapter)

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