Chapter 1478

"Do you think this water can be drained?"

"Would you like to compare and see who will find a way out first?"

"You are so taciturn and arrogant, it's easy to be seen through."

He Erchuan lazily spoke the troublesome words, until the last sentence, the medicine attendant frowned suddenly, and his eyes turned with a stern and inviolable aura.

"Talky." He said coldly, not knowing whether he was accusing He Erchuan of being talkative now, or implying that he was talking too much just now in the hall.

He Erchuan chuckled, moved to Dikongxuan's side at an extremely slow and clumsy speed, and said in a low voice: "Just as she was pretending to ignore you but looked at you inadvertently, this king Know your identity.

Although I don't know how you hide your aura and appearance, but for the sake of your willingness to suffer for her, this king admires you. "

Di Kongxuan held back his breath, and didn't want to say anything more to him.

But he didn't speak, and He Erchuan was not a person who could sit idle. After looking around for a while, he suddenly asked: "Do you know what the king and his wife saw when you disturbed the string restraint?"

"It must be the residence of the leader of the Black Alliance." Dikong said in a mysterious tone.

He Erchuan froze for a moment: "Is that really the case? How did you guess it?
In fact, we only saw a vast expanse of white mist, which was not in harmony with the overall style of the Black League.

The restriction on the string force was only activated for a short moment, and there were many scattered string forces flying out of it. Mrs. Peony didn't let the king stay longer, so she didn't see what was inside clearly. "

Di Kongxuan replied: "If you stay for a second longer, I'm afraid she will have to collect the corpse for you. It's good, it will save me a lot of trouble."

"Hey, you and I are on the same front anyway, can you hope that the king will take care of you?" He Erchuan had black lines on his face.

"So you insisted on coming here with me just to talk nonsense?" Di Kongxuan raised his eyebrows, "The majestic Prince Chuan of Hull Empire doesn't seem like someone who talks so much nonsense."

He Erchuan coughed dryly, and said helplessly: "If this king still stays outside, it will make her worry about the future.

Secondly, it will also make the black alliance more vigilant against the king.

But this king is locked up in the Ninth Tower with you, and the people of the Black League have no doubts about you, so naturally they won't pay too much attention to you and me, so it's convenient for you to do things. "

Di Kongxuan lifted his lips and smiled, stretched out his hand to brush the cold water beside him casually, and asked, "It's convenient?"

"At least no one is watching." He Erchuan said.

"It's true that no one is watching, so may I ask His Highness Prince Chuan, how do you plan to leave here?" Di Kongxuan turned his eyes around, looked at the top of his head, looked at the water, and finally looked at He Erchuan, with a look of seeking solutions.

He Erchuan said seriously: "This king is still thinking of a way."

Di Kongxuan finally understood, he was just a master who took one step at a time.

However, as a human race in the human world, He Erchuan didn't understand the Black League like him, even though he had cultivated himself and became a cultivator. It was not easy to make such a decision.

"It's a good thing you didn't do anything wrong." Di Kongxuan said, "As I expected, the leader of the Black League has been training different medicine attendants for nearly a hundred years.

All of them died at the second dose of the drug before, and no one survived. "

He Erchuan asked: "Is it just to see how fierce the medicine attendant can resist, and then give it to the leader?"

(End of this chapter)

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