Chapter 1487

After all, the spirit fire is an existence that can directly destroy even the strong in the transformation stage.

He took a few steps back, his eyes were sharp, and he looked at where the fireball came from.

The figure of Master Ling appeared above the Heimeng Academy, he slowly lowered his hands behind his back, and said calmly: "Congratulations, brother, for leaving the customs.

However, the senior brother retreated in the early years in order to hit the threshold of the stage of becoming a god, and now he appears here, must have failed, right? "

"It is true that this deity has never reached the stage of transformation into a god, but the power possessed by this deity will be unimaginable to you!" The elder in charge looked at the old man in front of him and said, "You insisted on becoming a pharmacist back then. The difference between you and me, have you ever regretted it?"

"Regret is the cognition of losers, I have never failed, how can I regret it?
Even if I fail, I will never regret it. "In Master Ling's palm, black flames danced endlessly.

The eyes of the elder in charge fell on his palm, he licked his lips, and said: "It really takes some effort to get the spiritual fire of the domain.

Now that your Black Flame Spiritual Fire is right in front of you, why not get the Black Flame Spiritual Fire first, as long as you get one of the top ten spiritual fires, you will be invincible in the world! "

Master Ling sneered and said, "Brother, let's try it!"

It is obviously false to say how powerful Master Ling is.

Master Ling's own cultivation is only at the early stage of Nascent Soul.

But because of the blessing of the spiritual fire, he did not see a disadvantage in the initial confrontation with the elder in charge.

But his own spiritual power was not as good as that of the elder in charge, and he soon became in a state of exhaustion.

After being punched down by the elder in charge, knocking down several stone pillars outside the Black League Academy, Master Ling spat out a mouthful of blood.

Immediately, he clutched his chest, turned his head to look at the high tower, and shouted sharply: "Little friend, how long are you going to watch the show?"

The elder in charge frowned, looked up, and saw a person flying past the stone window at the top of the tower.

The dark blue cloak fluttered in the wind, like a condor descending from the sky.

But in the blink of an eye, the man had already landed in front of his eyes, with a cold and arrogant smile on his lips, and a domineering look in his eyes, looking down on the world.

That familiar face, even after 200 years, the elder in charge will never forget it.

Because that's the one who gave him shame 200 years ago!

During the 200 years of penance, the elder in charge wished he could leave the customs as soon as possible so that he could tear this person into thousands of pieces.

"Di Kongxuan!"

Di Kongxuan smiled indifferently, and said lightly: "I never thought that 200 years of practice would make you look like this neither human nor ghost."

The elder in charge smiled, looked at him with vicious eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "So what?
In the final analysis, this deity is the strongest in the Cangyang Continent! "

"Alright, then today I will let you know what the difference is between the five tribulation thunders and the six tribulation thunders."

After Di Kongxuan finished speaking, he closed his eyes, but the aura surrounding him climbed to the peak in an instant!
However, this peak is only the peak that the world can recognize. Behind the mountain, there is a higher mountain.

At this moment, Dikongxuan's aura climbed towards a higher place!

Breaking through the late Yuanying stage, surpassing the half-step Yuanying stage of the great elder of the Duanmu family, and also surpassing the current state of the elder in charge, reaching an unprecedented height.

He opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were filled with red gold, and there seemed to be an invisible flame burning deep in his eyes.

"Spiritual Fire of Seal?!" Seeing the flames in his eyes, the elder in charge cried out, "How is that possible!

You also have a spirit fire? "

(End of this chapter)

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