Chapter 1488

Di Kongxuan curved his lips into a smile and didn't talk to him too much.

The purple-gold spiritual power in the palm of the hand was like a long whip, and it broke through the wind in an instant, and with the force of thunder, it hit the chest of the elder in charge.

Like the wrathful blow of the thunder god, like the punishment from the heavens, it is no less than the power of those thunderstorms!

What is even more frightening is that the invisible spiritual fire carried on this whip will cause unpredictable danger once it touches the human body.

The spirit fire of seal is born with the power of seal.

At the very moment, the aura in the hands of the elder in charge condensed, forming a shield in front of him.

The spiritual fire was attached to it, burning blazingly, but it also gave him time to retreat.

"Even if you have the spiritual fire, you dare not use your full strength after all. This is the difference between you and me!"

The elder in charge sneered, and greed suddenly arose in his heart.

Of the three spirit fires in front of him now, the domain spirit fire is still deep in the academy, and the black flame spirit fire only possesses some powerful lethality.

But the sealing power of the Sealing Spirit Fire really made him jealous. Wouldn't it be better if he could take the Sealing Spirit Fire as his own!

After making up his mind, the elder in charge let out a long howl, unleashed all his strength without reservation, turned forward, and took the initiative to attack.

And the members of the elder faction who had been suppressed by the leader of the Black League for a long time in the Black Region of the Ten Directions also rushed out when they heard the roar, and gathered towards the Black League College.


So hot!

Duanmuyi had no idea what was going on outside, nor did he know that Di Kongxuan was confronting the "theoretically invincible" elder in charge in order to buy her time.

At this moment, she felt as if she had been thrown into an alchemy furnace, perhaps the monkey in the myths and legends was nothing more than that.

But the monkey broke out of the furnace in the end, and she had sharp eyes, but she felt that all her bones and flesh and blood were being melted continuously.

This kind of extreme pain is almost the same as that in the Dan River back then, even more tormenting.

At some point, the ear fox had transformed into a giant fox, enveloping her whole body.

Through the flesh and blood of the ear fox, she could smell the burnt fur of the ear fox.

The invulnerable ear fox is about to be melted.

"Go back to the spirit pet space." Duanmuyi ordered.

However, Erhu didn't seem to hear it: "I'm fine, master, use your soul power to perceive the location of the heart of the spirit fire, and then subdue it."

Duanmuyi gritted his teeth, knowing that continuing to delay would only bring Erhu one step closer to death.

She immediately closed her eyes and focused her mind, releasing her soul power.

The high temperature of the spiritual fire caused all the soul power to be burned, but the continuous soul power still prevailed after all.

Yuzhilinghuo fought against Erhu, and could only allocate part of its strength to deal with Duanmuyi, so Duanmuyi took up the gap.

It's there!

Duanmuyi keenly caught a trace of strange fluctuations in the spirit fire space.

Urging his soul power to go there, he saw a flickering crystal blue flame.

The flames are crystal blue on the outside, but transparent on the inside, extremely beautiful.

"Master, with your blood essence, you can lower the temperature of the spiritual fire.

Seize the opportunity, wrap it with soul power, and collect it into the sea of ​​consciousness! "

Duanmuyi didn't have time to think about whether this method would burn his sea of ​​consciousness into nothingness, because the voice of the ear fox was already very weak.

With a turn of her mind, the blood in her heart circulated along a specific route, and finally...

(End of this chapter)

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