Chapter 1489

Finally, it dripped on the heart of the spirit fire.

The strange thing is that the high temperature of the spiritual fire did not evaporate this drop of blood essence.

The pure blood fell on the heart of the spirit fire, and her soul power soon felt that the temperature of the spirit fire suddenly dropped to an extremely comfortable temperature.

This is the moment!

She urged all the soul power to rush forward, wrapped the heart of the spirit fire in it, and immediately retracted it into the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the void, only Linghuo's curse could be heard: "Damn it! You've caused a catastrophe!"

There was a sharp pain in the sea of ​​consciousness, the temperature around the body dropped suddenly, the ear fox's breath weakened, and fell to the ground, but Duanmuyi didn't have the extra strength to put it into the spirit pet space.

Because at this moment, she looks like a person on fire.

Countless flames shot out from her pores, and quickly burned all the clothes on her body, and even her hair burned into nothingness in an instant.

And her skin began to turn red, like a soldering iron.

Duanmuyi fell into a coma, relying only on instinct to resist the temperature of the spiritual fire.

And just around her body, the space of the spirit fire of the domain disappeared, and the hot spring began to boil from around her body, like a pot of boiling soup.

White water mist floated densely around her, and the sound of water suddenly sounded in the distance.

The leader of the black alliance woke up from the trance, staring at the changes around him in astonishment, and suddenly looked in the direction of Duan Muyi, as if he had guessed something, he hurried towards that place.

The high temperature didn't seem to have any effect on him, he easily slipped into the mist, and soon got close to Duanmuyi.

But the fire man in front of him made the leader of the black alliance, who had always been indifferent, couldn't help but jump.

"You actually! You actually subdued the spirit fire!
The good things I have kept for more than 200 years have been subdued by you!I kill you! "

He raised his hand, he was about to pat Duanmuyi's chest.

But he let it go again slowly, slowly.

"No, it's not worth it."

He looked at the fire man in front of him, thinking for a while, although the spiritual fire was hard to come by, but since Duanmuyi subdued it, if he needed to use it in the future, it would be the same with Duanmuyi.

But Duanmuyi was different, if she was killed, there might not be such a pure blooded person in tens of thousands of years.

In comparison, it seemed more cost-effective to keep her alive?
"It's cheaper for her..." The leader of the black alliance snorted unwillingly, and immediately flew up, turning into a wisp of black smoke, covering the surroundings of Duanmuyi's body.

The black mist had an extremely low temperature, and soon Duanmuyi's body was covered with a thick layer of ice armor.

After an unknown amount of time, the flames gradually extinguished, the black ice armor disappeared, and the hot spring turned into a cold spring. Duanmuyi shuddered in the water and slowly opened his eyes.

She moved a bit, the buoyancy of the water surface disappeared, and she almost fell directly to the bottom of the water.

Fortunately, she stabilized her figure in time, and when she looked down, she saw that she was completely naked, and a young man in black was floating not far in front of her like a dead body.

She took out a set of clothes from the spirit ring and changed on, dragged the boy up and landed on the shore.

The hot spring has no temperature, and the large or small stones suspended on the hot spring have also sank to the bottom of the water.

The whole other courtyard was completely different from what she had seen before.

"What's going on here? I'm not dead, what about the spiritual fire?"

"Master, congratulations master, you successfully subdued the spirit fire..."

(End of this chapter)

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