Chapter 1490

The ear fox that had turned into its original form floated from the water, its breath was weak but it couldn't hide its joyful voice.

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, then immediately closed his eyes and meditated.

Sure enough, he saw a crystal blue flame floating in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the flame trembled slightly.

The transparent inner flame reveals a mysterious force of space.

"I... I subdued the spirit fire?"

The ear fox turned into a flash of light, entered into her spiritual pet space, and left a sentence: "Although the spiritual fire has been subdued, the master has not yet refined it, so it is not appropriate to use it lightly for the time being."

Duanmu said silently in his heart, thank you for your hard work, Erhu.

Duanmuyi heaved a sigh of relief after the important matter of the spirit fire was resolved, and turned to look at the unconscious boy in black lying down at his feet.

She remembered that when she entered the other courtyard, it was only her and the leader of the black alliance, and no outsiders had ever entered since then.

Now the leader of the black alliance is gone, only this guy is left...

Could it be that this little guy who doesn't look like an adult is the leader of the Black League?
The leader of the black alliance, who was invisible, murderous, tortured her for more than three months, and almost killed her?

Who raised a child so dark?
While thinking, the boy who fell on the ground suddenly opened his eyes.

A pair of different-colored pupils flashed a dazed look, and immediately stood up.

Looking at the person in front of him, he frowned slightly, and said coldly: "It seems that you are fine."

Duanmuyi heard the meaning from his words.

It can be seen that this guy knew when she was tortured by the spirit fire.

"I didn't expect the majestic leader of the Black League to be a minor." She lowered her eyes, chuckled, and changed the subject, "If this gets out, it would be a good story."

The leader of the black alliance said fiercely: "It seems that you have not suffered enough, this leader can kill you now!"

"If you wanted to kill me, you would have done it a long time ago." Duanmuyi said, "Let me guess, you come to this hot spring regularly, not for enjoyment, but for a certain way of cultivation, right?
The hot spring is not the source of your cultivation, the spiritual fire hidden under the hot spring is. "

As soon as the leader of the black alliance raised his palm, a chilling spiritual power turned into a long whip and wrapped around Duanmuyi's neck.

"you know too much."

Duanmuyi smiled instead, a little bit bitterly.

What the villain often said really reminded her of something from her previous life.

She was about to speak when suddenly a powerful fluctuation of spiritual power came from a distance.

The two looked at each other, and the leader of the Black League withdrew his long whip and jumped up.

Duanmuyi followed closely behind and left the other courtyard with him.


There were already corpses strewn across the field in front of the college. The guards from the Ninth World Tower and the Ten Square Black Domain killed each other. Their strengths were similar, so the casualties were also similar.

And the two people who were in mid-air were not breathing well at this moment.

The elder in charge said with a sinister smile: "Di Kongxuan, if you forcefully break the seal, even if you can kill the deity, so what, you still want to be buried with the deity!"

"Really?" Di Kongxuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, smiled slightly, and said indifferently, "I think you have forgotten who beat you to the knees and begged for mercy 200 years ago, and vowed never to step into the human world and the spiritual world. out of bounds!"

When mentioning this past event, the face of the elder in charge became extremely ugly.

In his opinion, it was a humiliating matter, but now being brought up by this old enemy, it is a shame to him!
(End of this chapter)

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