Chapter 1491

"So what..." The elder in charge rubbed the burning pain in his chest.

Sensing that the movement of spiritual power was extremely stagnant and unfavorable, he guessed that it must be Di Kongxuan's spiritual fire that had sealed him.

Must fight fast!

He looked at the unparalleled man in front of him, his eyes dimmed, and he said with a sneer, "It's time to end, go die!"

His palm was full of light, and a moment later a huge crescent moon appeared in front of him.

The moon is pitch black, without the beauty of the moonlight, but on the contrary, it has an evil and fierce aura.

Master Ling looked up and was startled.

"The Wheel of the Black Moon?!" He yelled sharply, "Elder in charge, you actually colluded with foreigners?!"

"What foreign race?" The elder in charge laughed endlessly, "Master Ling, didn't the leader of the alliance tell you?
We, the Black Alliance, are just one eye of the Black Moon Clan left on the Cangyang Continent!
You and I are the lackeys of the Black Moon Clan! "

As soon as the words fell, there was a clear whistle from a distance, and the indifferent voice of the leader of the Black League came from afar: "If you want to be a dog, you can be a dog, and don't get involved with our Black League."

Master Ling was overjoyed, and looked back: "Leader!"

The three honorary elders also stood up one after another, saluting to the people who came slowly.

The young man put on the large cloak again, black mist swirled around his body, his soles did not touch the ground, and he came stepping on the void.

Di Kongxuan hurriedly lowered his eyes to look, but the girl had already swayed and landed beside him.

"Long time no see." She smiled brightly.

Seeing that she was fine, Di Kongxuan breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand to stroke her hair, two clusters of colorless flames rose from the bottom of his eyes, the outer flames were red gold, majestic.

After a while, he said, "Congratulations, you got the spiritual fire."

"So you also have a spiritual fire." He can sense his own spiritual fire, and he can naturally sense the existence of his own spiritual fire, which is more mature and stable than his own.

Duanmuyi was a little helpless, she thought that if she subdued the spirit fire, she could finally overwhelm him, but she didn't expect him to keep hiding his hand.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's deal with this old thing." Duan Muyi turned his head to look at the illusory figure hidden behind the Black Moon Wheel, and said in a low voice, "What Black Moon Clan? do not understand."

"After I get out, I'll talk to you in detail." Di Kongxuan said, "Now that you have the domain spirit fire, you can pull me into your spirit fire domain together with him, and the rest Just leave it to me."

Duanmuyi nodded, and the palm prints of both hands changed.

A cluster of crystal blue flame imprints gradually appeared between the eyebrows, the light flickered, and an invisible space enveloped the midair.

The leader of the black alliance suddenly jumped up and broke into her domain.

"Add me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the environment around the four of them changed, and they were already in the mysterious spiritual fire domain.

"I really underestimated you." The elder in charge didn't expect that Yuzhi's spiritual fire had already been subdued by Duan Muyi, and he only gritted his teeth with hatred, but he didn't dare to underestimate Yu's spiritual fire's ability.

The only way to kill Duanmuyi first is to break through this spirit fire domain, otherwise he will be consumed to death here.

Duanmuyi's cultivation was not enough, so he naturally manipulated the Spirit Fire Domain to hide behind, while Di Kongxuan and the leader of the Black League were attacking from both sides, and they wanted to deal with the elder in charge as soon as possible.

The high temperature in the spirit fire field had no effect on her, and it was no problem for Di Kongxuan to protect himself with the spirit fire. The leader of the black alliance himself had an indissoluble bond with the spirit fire, so he could move freely.

(End of this chapter)

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