kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 149 What Can You Make Me Do?

Chapter 149 What Can You Make Me Do?

Bai Jiujiu received Yixuelan's hostility, and the hostility showed contempt and didn't seem to take "him" seriously.

Four words suddenly appeared in Bai Jiujiu's mind: The visitor is not kind.

"Exactly, I forgot to introduce you." Li Chuzhen finished bandaging Yi Xuelan, pointed to Bai Jiujiu and said, "This is a newcomer in the new world, and he is still in the assessment period, Bai Jiujiu."

Then he said seriously to Bai Jiujiu: "This is the first sister of the new world, Yi Xuelan, as a junior, she is a good example for me to learn from!"

"Sister Li, you are joking. How could it be possible for a newcomer to invite Sister Li into the room? Even a newcomer may have a bright future. Sister Li has never missed her vision." Yi Xuelan smiled sweetly.

"Your little mouth is so sweet!" Li Chuzhen scolded with a smile.

However, it can still be seen that Li Chuzhen likes Yixuelan very much, and it may not be as simple as being sweet-mouthed to win Li Chuzhen's liking.

Out of politeness, Bai Jiujiu stretched out his hand, "Hello, Miss Yi."

sister?Are you mocking her for being old?

Yi Xuelan glanced at it lightly, then smiled softly and said, "Young people are awesome." She didn't shake her hand back.

Naturally, Bai Jiujiu didn't know that among his peers he should be called senior sister, so he replied unintentionally but intentionally.

Li Chuzhen could also see that the two seemed to be a bit out of tune.

Bai Jiujiu, who stretched out his hand, didn't get a response, and it was somewhat embarrassing. Lu Sichen directly reached out and pulled Bai Jiujiu to sit on his lap. This intimate gesture made Yi Xuelan and Li Chuzhen dumbfounded!
This... this... what is this?
Bai Jiujiu smiled awkwardly and wanted to get up, but he didn't expect Lu Sichen's right hand to hold 'his' waist tightly. He was a little surprised, he didn't expect Bai Jiujiu's waist to be so slender.

Yi Xuelan's gentle smiling face suddenly showed some broken marks, "Achen, you and Bai Jiujiu look very familiar, won't you introduce me?"

Uh... Bai Jiujiu froze all over, the arrows shot from Yi Xuelan's eyes almost stabbed him into a hedgehog, the hostility became more and more obvious and intense.

It's Lu Sichen's love debt again!
"'He' is mine..." Lu Sichen planned to introduce formally, but he was interrupted by Bai Jiujiu.

"Uncle, uncle!"

"Uncle?" Yi Xuelan looked surprised. She thought of many possibilities, but she never thought of this. After all, after Lu Sichen broke up with her, it has been rumored that he is not close to women and likes little fresh meat. .

When she first saw that Lu Sichen was different from Bai Jiujiu, she was just skeptical, but the word "uncle" made Yi Xuelan more sure of the veracity of the rumor.

This so-called godfather-like uncle is just an announcement to the outside world!
Could it be that Lu Sichen was just angry with her?

Do you want to change your mind and deliberately make yourself jealous?

Thinking of this, Yi Xuelan felt a little better.

Bai Jiujiu looked at Lu Sichen with icy blade-like eyes, and looked at Lu Sichen with pleading eyes, and tugged at Lu Sichen's sleeve a little flatteringly, "Yes, uncle!"

"Hehe!" Two deep and strange sneers made Bai Jiujiu's body stand up with goosebumps and his scalp went numb.

Bai Jiujiu was very worried that Lu Sichen would go mad right here, the consequences were beyond what she could bear!

Bai Jiujiu loosened his big hands around his waist, and shot a cold gaze from his back, like a sharp knife piercing people's panic, and a dangerous aura spread around.

She knew that Lu Sichen was really angry.

The heavy atmosphere made Bai Jiujiu stop hesitating, and immediately hugged Lu Sichen's neck with both hands, and whispered in his ear: "Uncle, please, I will make up for you when I get home, okay?"

 PS: Chen Chen from my family is secretly happy, guessing how Jiu Jiu from his family will make up for it.

(End of this chapter)

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