kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 150 Find her to settle accounts

Chapter 150 Find her to settle accounts
Bai Jiujiu tried to lower his posture, it seemed that every time he was coaxed like this, his temper would be a little restrained.

If Lu Sichen were to announce the news of the 'husband and wife' relationship here, what would 'he' do in the future?

compensate?Lu Sichen raised his eyebrows when he heard these two words, this deal seems to be good.

"Okay." The big hand returned to Bai Jiujiu's waist, which made Bai Jiujiu slightly relieved.

Any fool can see that the relationship between the two is 'unusual' uncle, but he just sees it and doesn't point it out.

"Jiujiu, I didn't expect Lu to always be your uncle." Li Chuzhen was really surprised by this matter. You must know that Bai Jiujiu can use this relationship to directly enter the new world. The relationship between Mr. Lan and Mr. Lu in the new world Iron is something everyone in the industry knows.

If it wasn't for this accidental encounter, I'm afraid I didn't know that Mr. Lu and Bai Jiujiu have such a close relationship.

This child can always bring her some unexpected surprises, and Li Chuzhen's affection for Bai Jiujiu gradually increases.

She never interferes with the feelings of artists, as long as she does her job well, even artists have their own private space, and she respects the privacy of artists.

Bai Jiujiu smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled, this uncle is not that 'uncle'.

The actions of the two were too intimate, and Yi Xuelan immediately understood why Li Chuzhen was optimistic about Bai Jiujiu.

I have to admit that Bai Jiujiu looks rather handsome, with fair skin, white teeth and red lips, if it wasn't for the men's clothing and short hair, it would not be an exaggeration to call her a girl.

'His' appearance is destined to be popular, and good innate conditions make people jealous.

"Sister Li, you called my 'nephew' over, what's the matter?" Lu Sichen deliberately bit the word "nephew" extremely hard, and Bai Jiujiu knew that he was taking advantage of his words, so he could only smile on his face. remained silent.

Li Chuzhen froze for a moment, did she call Bai Jiujiu?

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

"Xue Lan, I want to give this kid Bai Jiujiu a chance. What do you think is the best way to test him?"

Yi Xuelan smiled softly, and for some reason Bai Jiujiu was terrified by her smile.

"Actually, I've also heard about Bai Jiujiu's situation in the selection of newcomers. In this way, I have an MV campus shooting here, which is a new album of mine. I can introduce him to the director."

Li Chuzhen never expected that Yi Xuelan would help Bai Jiujiu so much, "But will they agree to use a newcomer?"

"My MV is up to me, and besides, how can President Lu's 'nephew' not be taken care of?"

Yi Xuelan looked at Lu Sichen affectionately, but it was a pity that Lu Sichen was as cold as a robot and did not respond at all.

Lu Sichen's human side is only shown to Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu was flattered by Yi Xuelan's generous help, but it could also be seen that Yi Xuelan helped her because of Lu Sichen's face.

She didn't want it very much, and felt like being given alms.

But seeing Sister Li so happy, she was too embarrassed to say no.

"Jiujiu is a rare opportunity, you have to work hard!" Li Chuzhen cheered Bai Jiujiu up.

Before Bai Jiujiu could say what he was doing, Lu Sichen got up directly, and the corner of his lips curled up: "Since you are all done talking, then, I will take my 'nephew' back."

Bai Jiujiu's heart skipped a beat, he probably went back to settle accounts with her!

Yi Xuelan also planned to go together, but unexpectedly Li Chuzhen held her hand and said with a smile: "Xuelan, I also have some training matters to ask you, and I want to hear your advice on the assessment of these newcomers."

(End of this chapter)

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