Chapter 1494

In the weather of April, although the depths of the forest are still cold, there are no ice edges.

Only the most cloudy and cold aura can condense such ice.

"Running really fast."

"This matter must be reported to His Majesty the Great Emperor. This kind of spiritual energy must be from the Black League." The Taoist with white hair and childish face crushed the broken grass in his hand, and there was an indelible worry between his brows.

In the deep stream in the distance, the boy threw the two people he was carrying onto the river beach and squeezed his arms.

"I am already at the end of my strength, and I still have to hold on. Human beings are so boring and stupid." He looked at the two people lying at his feet indifferently, and said, "The aura of the leader of the alliance was leaked, and I was almost killed by those two people." The old man found out."

Di Kongxuan forcibly broke the seal. Although he succeeded in eradicating the elder in charge, he also suffered serious backlash.

In front of the Black League Academy, he actually wanted to slaughter the Black League. It can be seen that the backlash was so severe that he was about to go mad.

If the young man hadn't stopped him in time, I'm afraid the current Di Kongxuan would be a person with a crippled dantian.

The young man squatted down, put his fingers together, and drew a stroke between Duanmuyi's eyebrows.

A crystal blue flame imprint slightly lit up between her brows, and a ray of flame separated from between her brows and landed on his fingertips.

The originally violent spirit fire, now at his fingertips turned out to be as cute as a child!
"The spirit fire of the domain and the spirit fire of the seal, these two people are really lucky." The young man looked at the spirit fire, his expression was gloomy, he gritted his teeth and wanted to kill Duanmuyi, and finally he snorted coldly, and turned the spirit The fire joined both palms, and little crystal blue rays of light gradually enveloped Dikongxuan's body.

With the domain power of the domain spirit fire, a special space was constructed for Di Kongxuan, so that he could "escape" from the shackles of space rules.

And Di Kongxuan's own seal spirit fire, which is born with the power of seal, can gradually repair the seal on his body.

But this speed is very slow. Before the spirit fire has repaired the seal, he is very likely to be backlashed to death.

But now with the domain blessing of the domain spirit fire, he can sit back and relax.

That's why the boy said he was lucky.


"The seal is being repaired?" Jiang Xin, who was boarding a special ship and was about to leave the Jialan tribe and rush to the human world, suddenly stopped.

Ying Lan was about to hand him the cloak, but when she saw him stop, she thought that something was wrong with Dan He, so she poked her head to look, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay... I won't go." Jiang Su put his hand on her shoulder, turned his head and said, "Unload everything, go back and rest."

Yinglan was stunned for a moment, and followed him to the Jialan tribe. The Xindao patriarch was really strange. Last moment, he was in such a hurry as if the sky was about to fall, forcing the tribe to prepare a boat; .

Don't be sick?
Ying Lan looked at Jiang Sui with a strange look in her eyes.

"What are you thinking, girl?" Jiang Su looked down at her, reached out and knocked her on the head, "Some people, they can't stop the opportunity when it comes."

Yinglan is used to the patriarch's bullying from time to time, and she just smiled slightly when she was hit, and she already guessed who the patriarch was rushing for.


When Duanmuyi opened his eyes, he was keenly aware of a strange breathing sound beside him.

She subconsciously flipped her palm, and the Seven Treasures Blade came out of her hand...

(End of this chapter)

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