Chapter 1495

The quilt was thrown aside by Duanmuyi like lightning, and then she cut her legs and kicked the person who had just jumped in front of her to the inside of the bed.

With a snatching sound, the Seven Treasure Blade was nailed between the man's legs, causing the man's legs to shrink back in horror, and his eyes widened innocently.

In the blink of an eye, the two switched positions.

Duanmuyi stood beside the bed, the man was lying on the bed with half-opened clothes and innocent eyes.

"Di Kongxuan?" Duanmuyi looked into the man's eyes, and suddenly denied, "No, you are Dabai?"

"Lady—" Di Kongxuan, who had obviously been taken over by Dabai's personality, was still not slow to react, and pulled out the Seven Treasure Blade nailed between his legs with one hand, and threw it aside casually.

Then he threw himself into a bear pounce, which staggered Duanmuyi directly.

Duanmuyi had just recovered from a serious illness, so he had no strength at all, so he fell directly to the ground.

Di Kongxuan quickly turned around holding her waist, and pressed her on the bed.

"My lady bullied me." Di Kongxuan half-kneeled, looked down at Duanmuyi, moved his legs slightly, and said, "Be responsible."

Duanmuyi had a headache.

Why did he suddenly become a Dabai personality?
This personality has not come out for a long time, is it poisonous again?

How did she escape in the end?

Is the elder in charge dead?
"Dabai, where are we? Are you alone here?" Duanmuyi tried to beat the side drum.

Di Kongxuan shook his head: "There is one more person."

As he finished speaking, the door was just pushed open, and the black-clothed boy came in with a bowl of medicine, and said with a blank expression and even a bit of a bad face: "Let you come and see her for so long?"

Duanmuyi looked over Dikongxuan's shoulder.

The two looked at each other for a moment, the boy put down the bowl and said indifferently, "Take the medicine."

Duanmuyi patted Dikongxuan's shoulder, pushed him away and sat up: "You saved us?
What about Heerchuan?This is where? "

"Woman, you have too many questions." The boy didn't give her a good face.

Duanmuyi took the medicine and drank it all in one gulp. During the young man's intermittent narration, he learned that it was Dikongxuan who saved her.

But he forcibly broke the seal and caused poisonous hair, and then he woke up like this.

Duanmuyi was in a coma for three days, and the boy was tortured by this personality of Di Kongxuan for three days.

"He became like this because he was poisoned by the black alliance." Duan Muyi said, "Since you are the leader of the black alliance, you should have an antidote, right?"

The young man snorted coldly, turned around and left: "Why should the lord give him the antidote?"

"Dabai doesn't understand anything, but Dikongxuan understands everything." Duanmuyi said, "I think, since you left Black League Academy, there must be something you want to accomplish.

One more him, one more help. "

The young man bullied him and said viciously: "Do you know why the leader of this alliance left the Black Alliance?!"

Duanmu was at a loss.

"You know how you got the spiritual fire of that domain so easily!" The young man gritted his teeth angrily, "If the lord of this alliance wasn't absorbing the power of the spiritual fire to refine his body, where would it be your turn to take advantage of it?"

Duanmuyi asked: "Then why did you take me into the hot spring courtyard?"


How is it still his fault?

"Wait, you said tempering the body?" Duanmuyi looked at him and was stunned for a moment, "What are you?"

The young man turned his gaze away and said, "You just need to remember that the leader of this alliance is called Mo Zhanfeng."

(End of this chapter)

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